TMR 122 : Don't Let David Cameron Turn You Into An "Extremist"

HerrDavidKameronAre you an "extremist"? Of course not; you wouldn't hurt a fly. But are you a "non-violent extremist"?

"What's one of those?" I hear you cry. Well, quite possibly, it's YOU.

The UK Government plans to introduce sweeping new powers called "Extremism Disruption Orders" and "Extremism Banning Orders" to combat individuals and organisations it deems to be "extreme". Who are "extremists"? Well, terrorists, of course. But what about political activists? Religious groups? Anti-religious groups? Trade unionists? Environmental campaigners? Are they "extremists" too? Well, they could be under the Government’s vague proposals: plans that are so opaque, poorly defined and broad in scope that they risk shutting down all kinds of legitimate speech in the UK.

Please support and publicise the Defend Free Speech Campaign, and (if you're in the UK) write to your MP.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 122 : Don't Let David Cameron Turn You Into An "Extremist"

TMR 122a : Copyright Demons Plus a Cat

CatLungeWhat happened to TMR last week? Did David Cameron and his "British Values" Thought Police shut it down?

No, TMR is still in fine fettle and raring to go. Last week's podcast was all ready to be posted, the publish button was just about to be pressed, and then... (insert tremolo on a diminished triad)... the Copyright Demons struck! Find out more about this gripping drama by listening to this short audioblog and learn how to dodge lunging cats.

(Note: Since recording this Chicago University Press has given permission to reproduce in full the chapter by Milton Mayer.)

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 122a : Copyright Demons Plus a Cat

TMR 121 : TMR Podcasting Masterclass (...or a few helpful tips...)

Masterclass sm

Well, it's not exactly a masterclass! But in place of the postponed interview with Tom Secker, I thought I would take the opportunity to share a few tips on how I go about producing podcasts and how I approach the whole business of conducting interviews (as requested by some TMR listeners). Highlights include: useful free software, how to avoid common errors, getting the most from a guest, big easy chairs, Japanese saucepans and phone calls about rabbits.


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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 121 : TMR Podcasting Masterclass (...or a few helpful tips...)

TMR 116 : Advertising - Your Lifestyle by Design (Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles)

ARJC"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

(Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928)

Entertaining, informative, irritating, embarrassing - you fill in the blanks - advertising certainly works on all of us; none of us is wholly immune. But surely it can never really control us (?)

Joining us again for one of our occasional, relaxed and informal conversations we welcome back Antony Rotunno, teacher, blogger and free thinker, and delve into the sometimes-funny-yet-sometimes-disturbing world - (our world) - of the corporate advertiser.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 116 : Advertising - Your Lifestyle by Design (Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles)

TMR 110 : Debate : Bobby Gilpin Vs Michael Flournoy : Mormonism & The Gospel

BobbyGilpinMichaelFlournoyWe are joined by UK Christian evangelist Bobby Gilpin and US Mormon apologist Michael Flournoy for a thoughtful and friendly transatlantic debate on the subject of Mormonism and the Gospel.

Does The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) preach the biblical Gospel? Or are many of its key teachings at variance with the Good News in Jesus Christ as contained in the Bible? Arguing in favour of the motion - "The Mormon Church teaches a different gospel to the Bible" - is Bobby Gilpin, who opens the debate ; arguing against the motion is Michael Flournoy, who speaks from his own conviction that the Bible is compatible with LDS teachings.

Bobby Gilpin is Mission Co-ordinator for UK Partnerships for Christ, a ministry aimed at equipping and motivating UK Christians to reach out to Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and others with the biblical Gospel. Michael Flournoy is author of the book A Biblical Defense of Mormonism, and a passionate advocate of Mormon/Evangelical dialogue.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 110 : Debate : Bobby Gilpin Vs Michael Flournoy : Mormonism & The Gospel

TMR 105b : Easter Sunday : Luke 24:1-35

EasterSunday smThis Easter Sunday, TMR once again returns from its Easter break to share words from The Gospel According to Luke. Told from Luke's perspective, Lk. 24:1-35 recounts the discovery of Jesus' empty tomb, his appearance to two followers on the road to Emmaus and the sharing of initial Resurection appearances among the disciples.

(The Scriptures quoted in these recordings are from the NET Bible® ( copyright ©1996-2006, and are used here with the kind permission of Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C.  All rights reserved.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 105b : Easter Sunday : Luke 24:1-35

TMR 105a : Good Friday : Mark 14:12 - 15:47

CrownThorns smThis Good Friday, TMR briefly returns from its Easter break to share words from The Gospel According to Mark. Told from the perspective of the writer of Mark's Gospel (widely reckoned to be the first of the New Testament gospels to have been written) Mk. 14:12 - 15:47 succinctly recounts the events of Jesus' final meal with his followers, his arrest, trial, execution and burial.

(The Scriptures quoted in these recordings are from the NET Bible® ( copyright ©1996-2006, and are used here with the kind permission of Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C.  All rights reserved.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 105a : Good Friday : Mark 14:12 - 15:47

TMR 100 : David Theroux : C. S. Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism

DavidTherouxIn place of our scheduled interview with David Conn, who has unfortunately had to postpone due to illness, we take the opportunity to share a fascinating address by David Theroux, Founder and President of the C. S. Lewis Society of California, entitled: "C. S. Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism".

Delivered as the keynote talk at the first annual conference of Christians for Liberty, at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas, on the 2nd of August 2014, this address explores the extent to which Lewis was critical of the modern State, with its tendency towards scientism and technocratic control, and identifies a nexus of beliefs and values - of which Lewis's Christian theism was the foundation - as the motivation for that critique. As David Theroux puts it:

"Throughout his work, Lewis infused an interconnected worldview that championed objective truth, moral ethics, natural law, literary excellence, reason, science, individual liberty, personal responsibility and virtue, and Christian theism. In so doing, he critiqued naturalism, reductionism, nihilism, positivism, scientism, historicism, collectivism, atheism, statism, coercive egalitarianism, militarism, welfarism, and dehumanisation and tyranny of all forms."

In a world in which Christianity and the State are too often seen as natural allies, we offer this address as arguing that what we might call libertarian values are fundamentally consistent with Christian thought.

(The address by David Theroux included in this episode is Copyright © C. S. Lewis Society of California, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 100 : David Theroux : C. S. Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism

TMR 095 : Truth Comedy (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles)

ATJCTo begin 2015 we welcome back Antony Rotunno for a relaxed and engaging discussion on the subject of "Truth Comedy". Why is comedy so powerful? Why is it able to open our minds to uncomfordiv truths, both in the world around us and within our own minds? And what are its dangers? These and many other issues are explored as we discuss a wide variety of comedy and comedians, each aimed (in their various ways) at uncovering truth through the art of comedy.

Our discussion includes: the BBC comedy series Yes Minister, the 1970s movie Being There, Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Andy Kaufman, Spike Milligan, and much, much more...

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 095 : Truth Comedy (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles)

TMR 094 : Norman Dodd : On the Tax-Exempt Foundations

NormanDoddIn a change of programming (due to personal illness) we take the opportunity to share the second of two classic interviews which Dr. Stanley Monteith discussed in our final interview with him as having been particularly significant in helping to form his distinctive way of looking at the world.

Complementing Dr. Stan's 1980 interview with Antony C. Sutton, we here present his conversation with Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Reece Committee, which was tasked by the US Congress in the early 1950s with investigating the use of tax-exempt funds by organisations such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations.

According to Norman Dodd, the essence of the Reece Committee's findings is encapsulated in an intriguing conversation Dodd himself had with H. Rowan Gaither, then president of the Ford Foundation, in which he remarkably declared: "we shall use our grant-making power so to alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

(The interview with Norman Dodd included in this programme is Copyright © Radio Liberty (, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 094 : Norman Dodd : On the Tax-Exempt Foundations

TMR 091 : Debate : Nick Peters Vs Ken Humphreys : Jesus (Never?) Existed

NickAndKenWe are joined by Christian apologist Nick Peters and atheist author Ken Humphreys for a lively, informative and very friendly debate on the historicity of Jesus.

Whatever we may think about Jesus - whether we acknowledge Him as Lord and Saviour, or not - one thing we can surely all be agreed on is that he existed and walked in Palestine 2000 year ago. Not so, according to Ken Humpreys, director of the website, who opens the debate defending the propostion that the New Testament Jesus is a fictional character. Arguing against this position is Nick Peters, founder of Deeper Waters Christian Ministries and host of the Deeper Waters Podcast, who maintains that the evidence we have clearly and persuasively indicates that this same Jesus was (and is) a real person of history.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 091 : Debate : Nick Peters Vs Ken Humphreys : Jesus (Never?) Existed

TMR 084 : Dr. Antony C. Sutton : On Capturing Markets and Buying Enemies

AntonyCSuttonFollowing our recent interview with Dr. Stanley Monteith, we take a journey back to 1980 to listen to his classic interview with British-born economist and historian Dr. Antony C. Sutton, one-time lecturer at California State University.

While a fellow at the Hoover Institution of Standford University from 1968 - 1973, Dr. Sutton researched into the role of certain Western corporations in helping to build the industrial and military capabilites of the Soviet Union, publishing a three-volume academic work entitled Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development. After much resistance from the establishment Dr. Sutton left academia, and followed up this work with a series of fascinating and controversial books; most famously, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.

Whatever one ultimately concludes from Dr. Sutton's work, his research certainly challenges some of the widely-held beliefs about the Twentieth Century, and invites us to reflect critically on the geopolitical narratives of our own day.

(The interview with Antony Sutton included in this programme is Copyright © Radio Liberty (, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 084 : Dr. Antony C. Sutton : On Capturing Markets and Buying Enemies

TMR 083 : On Changing the Discourse (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles)

ATJCOn the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11, we welcome (back) to the programme teacher, blogger and free thinker Antony Rotunno, who joins us for an informal, unstructured and fairly wide-ranging conversation on the subject of "Changing the Discourse".

What is the so-called Truth Movement about? Is it mainly about practising and encouraging others to exercise "critical thinking"? Or is it essentially about removing psychological barriers to thought in certain areas? Is it about changing the way we and others see the world? If so... from what, to what? Many speak of wanting people to "wake up". But is "sleep" really the best metaphor to describe the problem? And is it helpful to speak of "a" Truth Movement anyway? These, and many more issues find their way into the conversation, as I misuse the word "anthropology" and win my very first bet on a podcast.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 083 : On Changing the Discourse (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles)

TMR 082 : Audioblog : Memorandum for Angela Merkel


As the NATO summit in Newport, Wales enters its second day, amidst relentless accusations in the mainstream media of "Russian aggression", we take a few moments to listen to the words of US Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. Alarmed at the anti-Russian hysteria sweeping Washington, and the spectre of a new Cold War, U.S. intelligence veterans took the unusual step of sending a memorandum, dated August 30, to German Chancellor Angela Merkel challenging the reliability of claims in the Ukrainian and U.S. media of a Russian "invasion."

The memorandum is signed by William Binney, former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA; co-founder, SIGINT Automation Research Center (ret.); Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.); David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.); Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.); Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East (ret.); Todd E. Pierce, MAJ, US Army Judge Advocate (Ret.); Coleen Rowley, Division Counsel & Special Agent, FBI (ret.); Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret.); Foreign Service Officer (resigned).

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 082 : Audioblog : Memorandum for Angela Merkel

TMR 081 : Yours Truly on Like Flint Radio : Reflections on the NWO

LFR12In place of our usual interview, we take the opportunity to share a round-table discussion between GK and Andie Tyd of Like Flint Radio, and Julian Charles of The Mind Renewed.

"Julian Charles, host of the highly recommended podcast, The Mind Renewed, joins us for an informal discussion on the New World Order, Climate Change and Agenda 21. We also look at the man whose “big idea” ultimately led to the formation of a number of prominent secret societies and his Rhodes Scholarship, through which his ideals would continue to be realised." (LFR)

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 081 : Yours Truly on Like Flint Radio : Reflections on the NWO

TMR 068 : Guest Episode : Antony Rotunno : 'Conspiracy Theory' - A Powerful Phrase!

AntonyRotunnoFor the short Easter break, we again take the opportunity to share a Guest Episode - this time, an audio essay by a listener to The Mind Renewed, Antony Rotunno.

In "Conspiracy Theory - A Powerful Phrase!" Antony Rotunno - a UK English teacher now living in Madrid - discusses the development, power and scope of the term "conspiracy theory" (in its pejorative sense). Maintaining that its weaponised function as a thought-stopper in the general population is regularly exploited by those in authority in order to discourage investigation of government wrongdoing, Antony Rotunno argues that the only way forward for us is to "change the discourse": to think outside the Matrix, and work towards bringing others into the conversation, so that the structures that inhibit critical thinking might be laid bare.

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Read more: TMR 068 : Guest Episode : Antony Rotunno : 'Conspiracy Theory' - A Powerful Phrase!

TMR 056 : Guest Episode : Peter Schiff - Why the Meltdown Should've Surprised No One

PeterSchiffIn place of our postponed interview with Tom Secker (reschuled for next week), we take the opportunity to share a classic lecture by Peter Schiff. In characteristically informative and entertaining style, Schiff explains how succeeding US governments set the stage for the 2008 Crash through years of economic mismanagement, and takes the listener on a fascinating journey through booms, busts and bailouts.

Whether or not you agree with all of his assessments, Peter Schiff's 2009 Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture at the Mises Institute in Alabama is a "must listen."

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