Antony Rotunno
Items mentioned in (or otherwise relevant to) the conversation
- Our interview with Barrie Zwicker : "Conspiracy Theory : Analysis of a Weaponised Term"
- James Corbett: "The C Word"
- Frances T. Shure, "Why Do Good People Become Silent - or Worse - About 9/11?", an ongoing series of articles at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
- Henry Kissinger, "Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order", The Wall Street Journal, Life & Culture (29 August 2014)
- George H. W. Bush Can't Keep a Straight Face about JFK's Assassination
- CIA 1035-960: "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report"
- Kurt Eichenwald, "The Plots to Destroy America", Newsweek (15 May 2014)
- David Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History, Riverhead Trade (January 4, 2011)
- David Aaronovitch, "Those weapons had better be there...", The Guardian (29 April 2003)
- Operation Northwoods
- Gulf of Tonkin Incident (Wikipedia entry)
- Our interviews with Mike Kenner on the UK Ministry of Defence spraying hazardous chemicals and bacteria near populated areas: "Who In The World Were They Spraying", Part One; Part Two
- Review of The Matrix by Rob Ager (
- Making fun of supposedly anticipatory 9/11 references in the movies (
- For Neo's passport etc. : "The Matrix & Other 9/11 Hollywood Symbolism", Jones Report (18 August 2008)
- Acts 9:18 (BibleGateway, NIV)
Items recommended by A. Rotunno
- Andy Thomas, The Truth Agenda: Making Sense of Unexplained Mysteries, Global Cover-ups and 2012 Prophecies, Vital Signs Unlimited, Incorporated; Revised edition edition (July 24, 2009)
- David Icke, "The Turning of the Tide", ( from his "pre-lizards" period...
- "Wake-Up Call" (
- "The Corporation" (
- Various Illuminati and 9/11 film references (
- David Cogswell, Chomsky For Beginners, For Beginners (August 21, 2007)
Items recommended by J. Charles
Podcast theme music: Moment of Green, kindly provided by Antony Raijekov, from his Jazz U compilation (CC BY-NC 2.5), and mixed with the voice of the late Brian Austin of The Mustard Seed Christian Bookshop, Camden, London, from his talk: "Getting the Policeman God off our Backs."
Slide show image: "Talking" by Pedro Ribeiro Simões on Flickr (CC BY 2.0); cropped, re-sized, aspect ratio altered