TMR 228 : Gerry et al & Richard Gage : Update on 9/11 Research & Activism

RichardGageWe are joined by Gerry, David and "Hitstirrer", members of the informal engineering research group "The 9/11 Accountability Team"—with links to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth—for a (rather unconventional) roundtable discussion on their ongoing research.

Back in 2018, as many listeners will recall, we decided to shelve a conversation with Gerry, because the group feared that the interview might have compromised chances of receiving from NIST—US National Institute of Standards and Technology—key structural drawing books on the Twin Towers via FOIA request. Now, the bulk of data having been received, they join us to share some of their concerns about NIST's version of events.

Later in the conversation we are joined once again by Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, for an update on their work and discussion on the important scientific study by Dr. J. LeRoy Hulsey and his team at the University of Alaska Fairbanks on the collapse of Building 7.

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Read more: TMR 228 : Gerry et al & Richard Gage : Update on 9/11 Research & Activism

TMR 221 : Dr. William Lane Craig on Holy Week Revisionism

LorenzettiRelief sm

"Such a Jesus would threaten no one, just as the university professors who create him threaten no one.”—John P. Meier

Back in 2011, my wife and I had the opportunity to go with Reasonable Faith (the organisation headed up by Dr. Craig) on a guided tour of Israel. On many of the evenings back at the hotel Dr. Craig would give a talk, sharing his reflections upon the historical sites we had visited, and commenting from his knowledge of biblical and non-biblical ancient writings. In this, the third and final presentation from that tour, Dr. Craig speaks about the week of events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion, burial and resurrection, and critiques the imaginative—yet, in his view, historically false—reconstructions of revisionist scholars.

[The recording included in this podcast is Copyright © 2011 Reasonable Faith, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission. That Dr. Craig features in this podcast should in no way be understood as implying that he endorses anything else mentioned in this podcast, nor indeed anything else published at TMR.]

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Read more: TMR 221 : Dr. William Lane Craig on Holy Week Revisionism

TMR 218 : A Short Note on a Joomla! Update - Sorry - Migration

TMR aOn the B***** Day that never was (and which, I promise, shall not be mentioned in this short podcast), and in anticipation of a "proper" programme this coming Monday, I take the opportunity to say a few words about TMR's recent upgrade—sorry, I've done it again, "migration"—from one version of Joomla! to another.

Although it might seem un-newsworthy to those of you (most, I'm sure) who are happily unfamiliar with the idiosyncracies of Joomla!—the content management system upon which TMR has been running since its inception in 2012—it's certainly good news to me! Every attempt I have made over the years to bring this website up-to-date has failed spectacularly, and I can only heave a great sigh of relief that the deed is finally done—not by me, but by those with a genuine aptitude for such marvels.

Join me, as I reveal all in this gem of Interweb mundanity.

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Read more: TMR 218 : A Short Note on a Joomla! Update - Sorry - Migration

TMR 216 : More Reason for Joy than Sadness

DadOnTheRoofA short, off-the-cuff podcast in which I explain just a little of what's been going on recently in the depths of the Lancashire countryside here in the UK, and why I'm currently finding it difficult to keep TMR refreshed with new podcasts on a regular basis.

In short, my father is passing away, and time for creativity is in very short supply. But I'm determined: I shall do all I can to "keep the show on the road". So, do hang in there; TMR is here to stay!

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Read more: TMR 216 : More Reason for Joy than Sadness

TMR 214 : The Fireside Nephilim Boys Plus One Gal : Revolutions !

NephilimBoysOneGalRevolutions smWould you eat a "maggot bag" with a Nazi spoon? Is my antique chandelier secretly in love with Blum Jeffgold? Will Frank Johnson kickstart enough cash to research dinosaurs inside the doughnut Earth? And is it safe to fly a Rhodes-scholar-designed-wheelless-African-fixed-up-Russian helicopter with automagic pilot?

These, and other important questions, are answered as we kick off 2019 here at TMR in a friendly, entertaining (and sometimes borderline crazy) rounddiv chat with high-ranking members of The Fireside Nephilim Boys, a secret society affiliated to The Mind Renewed, Like Flint Radio and The Iron Show, which this year celebrates its very first female initiate.

Join us—GK, Andie Tyd and Crusy (all of Like Flint Radio), Mark Campbell (a.k.a. Campbell Adams and Ed Balsam-Clamp), Frank Johnson (of Spiderman hoodie fame), Jeff Bankens (strongman), the irrepressible Johnny Iron (of the Iron Show), Jeff Goldblum's Laugh and Yours Truly—as we put aside the cares of this world for two short hours and share items from the news in 2018 that tickled our chuckle organs.

Be there, or be square!

(Download Podcast - HQ 96 kbps)

Read more: TMR 214 : The Fireside Nephilim Boys Plus One Gal : Revolutions !

TMR 211 : Mark Campbell : Día de Muertos - An Audio Travelogue

MexicoMarkThis week TMR presents an engaging and entertaining audio travelogue by Mark Campbell (a.k.a Campbell Adams and Ed Balsam-Clamp) documenting his very recent journey to Oaxaca in Mexico to experience the Día de Muertos ("Day of the Dead") festival at Halloween.

Mark, a long-time friend of the show—and indeed long-time friend since our school days—makes the long journey from the UK to Mexico, alone and with little planned in advance, to witness the intriguing festivities of an unfamiliar culture.

(Download Podcast HQ 128 kbps)

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 211 : Mark Campbell : Día de Muertos - An Audio Travelogue

TMR 210 : HyperNormalisation (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles) Part Two

ARJCsepiaAntony Rotunno joins us again for the second part of our wide-ranging conversation on the 2016 BBC documentary HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis.

Borrowing the word "hypernormalisation" from a book by ex-Soviet citizen Alexei Yurchak, in whose writing it described an officially-encouraged delusional state of mind in the gradually-collapsing Soviet Union, Adam Curtis creatively applies the term to the West since the last quarter of the 20th Century; a time in which, he argues, both politicians and citizens have "retreated" from hard problems in favour of "fake" versions of reality, while the banking and technological elites have continued to fill the vacuum with their technocratic systems of "stability" and "control".

While we remain unpersuaded by elements of Curtis's overall narrative and gently critical of his somewhat pretentious style, we nevertheless find the documentary rich with fascinating subjects, and share our own perspectives in a relaxed and fairly unstructured way.

Note: If you haven't listened to part one of this conversation, please do so first, otherwise you may find it difficult to follow.

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Read more: TMR 210 : HyperNormalisation (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles) Part Two

TMR 209 : HyperNormalisation (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles) Part One

ARJCsepiaWe welcome back long-time friend of the show Antony Rotunno for a wide-ranging conversation on the 2016 BBC documentary HyperNormalisation by Adam Curtis.

Borrowing the word "hypernormalisation" from a book by ex-Soviet citizen Alexei Yurchak, in whose writing it described an officially-encouraged delusional state of mind in the gradually-collapsing Soviet Union, Adam Curtis creatively applies the term to the West since the last quarter of the 20th Century; a time in which, he argues, both politicians and citizens have "retreated" from hard problems in favour of "fake" versions of reality, while the banking and technological elites have continued to fill the vacuum with their technocratic systems of "stability" and "control".

While we remain unpersuaded by elements of Curtis's overall narrative and gently critical of his somewhat pretentious style, we nevertheless find the documentary rich with fascinating subjects, and share our own perspectives in a relaxed and fairly unstructured way.

Warning: Listeners unfamiliar with HyperNormalisation may find parts of the conversation difficult to follow. This is a reflection of the documentary itself which is rather disjointed and too ambitious in scope. So it might be a good idea—though not necessary, because I do try to explain as much as possible—to watch the documetary first (if you have time, that is!).

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Read more: TMR 209 : HyperNormalisation (with Antony Rotunno & Julian Charles) Part One

TMR 206 : Bicycles, Beethoven & Root Beer : Q&A with Dr. William Lane Craig

QA1During the summer break, TMR shares another exclusive presentation by the highly-esteemed Christian philosopher Dr. William Lane Craig—this time a Q&A session on his work in Christian philosophy and apologetics. I also take the opportunity to share a few items of interest and concern from the media.

Back in 2011, my wife and I had the opportunity to go with Reasonable Faith (the organisation headed up by Dr. Craig) on a guided tour of Israel. On many of the evenings back at the hotel Dr. Craig would give a talk, sometimes sharing his reflections upon the historical sites we had visited, but sometimes speaking on broader issues to do with Christian philosophy and apologetics. In this session, Dr. Craig invites questions from the floor regarding arguments he frequently defends in the public square.

[The recording included in this podcast is Copyright © 2011 Reasonable Faith, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission. That Dr. Craig features in this podcast should in no way be understood as implying that he endorses anything else mentioned in this podcast, nor indeed anything else published at TMR. ]

(Download Podcast - HQ 128 kbps)

Read more: TMR 206 : Bicycles, Beethoven & Root Beer : Q&A with Dr. William Lane Craig

TMR 201 : Dr. William Lane Craig : Reflections On Caesarea

PilateInscriptionReplicaIn place of our scheduled interview with Vanessa Beeley—which has had to be postponed until next week due to the dreaded summer lurgy—I use the opportunity to speak about upcoming shows and share an exclusive talk by Dr. William Lane Craig.

Back in 2011, my wife and I had the opportunity to go with Reasonable Faith (the organisation headed up by Dr. Craig) on a guided tour of Israel. On many of the evenings back at the hotel Dr. Craig would give a talk, sharing his reflections upon the historical sites we had visited, and commenting from his knowledge of biblical and non-biblical ancient writings. In this particular presentation, Dr. Craig reflects upon our visit to Caesarea Maritima.

[The recording included in this podcast is Copyright © 2011 Reasonable Faith, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.]

(Download Podcast - HQ 128 kbps)

Read more: TMR 201 : Dr. William Lane Craig : Reflections On Caesarea

TMR 193 : A House Move Diary

HouseMoveDiaryAs many of you know, I have recently been heavily involved in my elderly parents' house move, so normal TMR programming is "on hold" for a while until they're settled into their new home. In the meantime, I'm using the opportunity to do a few unusual things. So here's one.

In "A House Move Diary" I invite listeners simply to listen in on a selection of captured moments from the move, some of them amusing, some of them reflective and some (hopefully) offering food for thought. But as you listen (if you do), please be sure to listen out for the bell wire and scissors, the mysterious loaf of bread and (perhaps most important) the large collection of trouser belts.

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Read more: TMR 193 : A House Move Diary

TMR 189 : Frank, Crusy, Mark & Me : The Nephilim Boys on Planet X

FrankCrusyMarkMeHappy New Year from Niburu and the Mariana Trench!

In place of our traditional "Fireside" with "The Nephilim Boys" to see in the New Year, we are joined by a subset of that august secret society—Frank Johnson (of Ancient Aliens Debunked) and Crusy (from Like Flint Radio)—for a conversation on the weird and wonderful subject of "Our Wacky Solar System : Planet X and the Theories that Love Him".

Later in the evening, the party is gate-crashed by an underwater Mark Campbell—whose second cousin's daughter's former best friend's uncle, Campbell Adams, appeared on the show last year to speak about Yarndling—and we end 2017 with that no-expense-spared champagne toast to the New Year as the clock strikes twelve.

(Download Podcast - HQ 128 kbps)

Read more: TMR 189 : Frank, Crusy, Mark & Me : The Nephilim Boys on Planet X



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