SpaceMouse sm

Our Guests                         



Music by the talented Dean Jordan of DEANOMINATOR YouTube channel (



Thank you Dean for locating a video that proves our theory. Here, in footage from 2017, you can clearly see a mouse (wearing a white wool coat) expand (due to no air pressure), freeze (due to extremely low temperature) and float off into space.


The 1970s "Fingermouse Conspiracy"


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation

(Please be aware that YouTube may place cookies on your computer if you choose to follow these links.)

(JC: Also, if you're wondering why I've included so many of these YouTube links, it's because I wanted to show how "viral" this nonsense became around that time, and—given that people's YouTube channels are sometimes deleted—I would be sure to leave some active links for future reference.)



  • Podcast music Copyright © Dean Jordan, all rights reserved, used with kind permission.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)





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