A Stand in the Park (ASITP)
A Stand In The Park (UK) (https://astandinthepark.org/uk/)
A Stand In The Park (Global) (https://astandinthepark.org/)
Item mentioned in the episode
Acknowledgements & Disclaimers
Many thanks to all my friends from ASITP who kindly agreed to take part in this episode.
The opinions expressed by those who kindly agreed to take part in this episode are their responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.
Podcast music—"Moment of Green" and "Fidder"—by Antony Raijekov from JazzU album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). [Please note that some of the tracks have been manipulated for effect, such as transposition, reversal and overlaying, so as to provide transition music between the spoken excerpts. Please consult the original tracks at Free Music Archive.]
TMR wishes to state the following: The fact that these voices and these creative materials appear in this TMR production should in no way be understood as implying that any of these people endorse anything published by TMR.
Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)