"The Metamorphosis of Liberalism" by Dr Martin Erdmann
Announcing the recent publication of Dr Martin Erdmann's two-volume work—The Metamorphosis of Liberalism—January 2024 by Verax Vox Media.
Amazon (UK) (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CR7PP9Y5)
Amazon (US) (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CR7PP9Y5)
[These days I usually try to avoid links to Amazon—because it's such a humungous megabusiness—but I'm not sure there's another way to get hold of these books by Dr Erdmann (at the moment), so I'm making an exception.]
"Church historian and theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann analyzes classical and progressive Liberalism in the case of the United States and contrasts them with the Christian faith. The author draws on a vast storehouse of academic disciplines: politics, economics, history, biology, theology, philosophy, psychology and sociology in Europe and the United States. He makes a compelling demonstration how the ideology of the newer progressive Liberalism has hijacked even the older concepts of “freedom” in classical Liberalism. The purpose of this book is to expose this deliberate obfuscation through history.
Dr. Erdmann shows how classical Liberalism evolved into progressive Liberalism, which later became known as “Progressivism.” Some reject Progressivism because they do not want to live in a socialist system, which tends toward absolute control, and instead put their hopes in classical Liberalism. What they fail to recognize is that the words “freedom” and “prosperity” offered by Liberalism do not mean what they appear; in fact, because Progressivism has redefined their meaning, they actually mean the opposite.
The most shocking finding is this: Both Liberalism and Progressivism are not diametrically opposed. Instead, they are merely two sides of the same civil religion. In fact, the history in this book warns us to stop pursuing the godless path of classical and progressive Liberalism, no matter if official church leaders promote it. American history clearly shows that these solutions offer empty promises of prosperity and peace, but, in reality, lead to poverty, deprivation of freedom, and war. Christians in particular should reject these worldly philosophies that oppose Christ. Rather, our hope lies in man's submission to the God of the Bible and the practice of Christian ethics. Only then will it be possible for major improvements in society to be achieved. History bears witness to this as well."—Beate Gsell (journalist)