
Paul Craig Roberts: "A New Beginning Without Washington's Sanctimonious Mask", 25 June 2013.


 "Hong Kong kept Snowden’s whereabouts secret so that an amerikan black-op strike or a drone could not be sent to murder him."

"With Hong Kong, China, Russia, Ecuador, and Cuba refusing to obey the Stasi’s orders, Washington is flailing around making a total fool of itself and its media prostitutes."

"The NSA is in position to blackmail everyone in the House and Senate, in the White House itself, in all the corporations, the universities, the media, every organization at home and abroad, who has anything to hide."

"Let’s quit calling the NSA the National Security Agency. Clearly, NSA is a threat to the security of every person in the entire world. Let’s call the NSA what it really is--the National Stasi Agency, the largest collection of Gestapo in human history."


Image: "WhSouthLawn.jpeg", by PHC C.M. Fitzpatrick [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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