TMR 053 : Interview : Marcia Montenegro : The New Age - Beautiful Deception
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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 053 : Interview : Marcia Montenegro : The New Age - Beautiful Deception
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 053 : Interview : Marcia Montenegro : The New Age - Beautiful Deception
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 052 : Interview : Dr. Frederick vom Saal : Bisphenol A (BPA)
We continue our interview with Mike Kenner, open government campaigner and Cold War researcher. In Part Two of this detailed look at the highly-questionable activities of Porton Down (the UK Government's chemical and biological warfare research establishments in Wiltshire), we turn our attention to their use of chemical simulants in open-air field trials in, or near to, populated areas.
Between 1949 and 1976, military scientists from Porton Down conducted over 350 separate experiments ("field trials") in public areas of the UK, during which massive amounts of live bacteria and hazardous chemical compounds were sprayed over populated areas. Designed further to investigate the feasibility of Biological Warfare (BW), these field trials were conducted in utmost secrecy, and often involved the unwitting co-operation of local authorities, local police forces, and in some cases, local populations, who were always told that the trials were to investigate atmospheric pollution.
Until 1997, the UK public remained unaware of Porton Down's public area BW field trial programme. Since then, more and more field trials have been discovered. More disturbing, however, is the Ministry of Defence's refusal to rule out conducting similar, large-scale, public area BW field trials in the future, should they deem there to be a military need to do so.
(Part One)
[Porton Down, UK Ministry of Defence, MOD, zinc cadmium sulphide, FP, oesophageal cancer, Bristol Trials, Bedford Trials, Cardington Trials, Balloon Development Establishment, Norwich Trials, Halvergate, Salisbury Trials, Swanage, Portland, Weymouth, Dorchester, East Lulworth, Professor Peter Lachmann, bacillus globigii, BG, anthrax, FOIA, John Profumo, Roy Mason, Defence Advisory Notice, D-Notice, The Dice Trials, drum impactor, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, DERA, Health and Safety Executive, HSE, chemtrails]
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 051 : Mike Kenner : Who In The World Were They Spraying? - Part Two
This week we welcome Mike Kenner, open government campaigner and Cold War researcher, who joins us for Part One of a detailed look at the highly-questionable activities of Porton Down, the UK Government's chemical and biological warfare research establishments in Wiltshire.
Between 1949 and 1976, military scientists from Porton Down conducted over 350 separate experiments ("field trials") in public areas of the UK, during which massive amounts of live bacteria and hazardous chemical compounds were sprayed over populated areas. Designed further to investigate the feasibility of Biological Warfare (BW), these field trials were conducted in utmost secrecy, and often involved the unwitting co-operation of local authorities, local police forces, and in some cases, local populations, who were always told that the trials were to investigate atmospheric pollution.
Until 1997, the UK public remained unaware of Porton Down's public area BW field trial programme. Since then, more and more field trials have been discovered. More disturbing, however, is the Ministry of Defence's refusal to rule out conducting similar, large-scale, public area BW field trials in the future, should they deem there to be a military need to do so.
(Part Two)
[Porton Down, Ministry of Defence, MOD, Cold War, biological weapons, BW, chemical weapons, Lyme Bay Trials, sarin, Ronald Maddison, Westwood, serratia marcescens, SM, bacillus globigii, BG, Railway Coach Trials, anthrax, E. coli, Professor Brian Spratt, East Lulworth, Weymouth, Swanage, Zinc Cadmium Sulphide, Gruinard Island]
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 050 : Mike Kenner : Who In The World Were They Spraying? - Part One
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 049 : Barrie Zwicker : Conspiracy Theory - Analysis of a Weaponised Term
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 048 : Interview : Dr. Michael J. Behe : Intelligent Design
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts returns to the Podcast for a detailed analysis of the claimed "assassination" of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEAL Team 6 in 2011, and to discuss the many disturbing questions surrounding the suspicious deaths of so many of that Team in the subsequent helicopter shoot-down in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. Dr. Roberts also discusses false-flag operations, gives an update on Syria, comments upon the ongoing revelations about the NSA and gives his reaction to the 2013 US Government Shutdown. (We invite listeners also to hear Podcast 29 : In Memoriam Osama bin Elvis, and to consult the notes to that investigation.) [Osama bin Laden, SEAL Team 6, Abbottabad, Operation Neptune Spear, Geronimo, Al Qaeda, Muhammad Bashir, 9/11, Osama bin Laden buried at sea, USS Carl Vinson, Stratfor, Boeing CH-47 Chinook, Michael Strange, Charles Strange, Boston Marathon bombing, Syria, Iraq, WMDs, Operation Gladio, Baader Meinhof, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Maine, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Emperor Hirohito, false flag, Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin, David Cameron, John Kerry, William Binney, Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Kirsty Wark, NSA, 2013 US Government Shutdown] |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 044 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Osama bin Laden - The Man Who Died Twice
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 043 : Interview : Dr. Tim Ball : On Depopulation and the Neo-Malthusians
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 041 : Interview : Dr. Stanley Monteith : The Population Control Agenda
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 040 : Interview : Mark Musser : Nazi Oaks
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 038 : Interview : Michael Shaw : Agenda 21
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 037 : Interview : Tony Rooke : 9/11 Truth Vs. The BBC
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 036 : Interview : Robert M. Bowman Jnr. : The Word-Faith Movement
For the first of two interviews on the subject of Technocracy and the Smart Grid, we are again joined by theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann, former Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University and Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina. In this interview, Dr. Erdmann introduces the technocratic movement of 1930s' America under Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert, and traces its intellectual roots to the positivistic, anti-supernaturalist and utopian ideas of the 18th/19th-Century French philosophers Henri Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte. But, explains Dr. Erdmann, Technocracy is far from dead; bewitched by its ideals of a fair, efficient and ecological economy, and now emancipated by the wonders of smart technology, the utopian dreamers of our day are gradually resurrecting Technocracy, and quietly ushering in an Orwellian nightmare of global, totalitarian control. (Für Zuhörer, die der deutschen Sprache mächtig sind, präsentieren wir hier einen Vortrag von Dr. Erdmann zum Thema „Neues Christentum“ (Henri St. Simons Technokratie), den er auf seiner jüngsten Reise in Europa mehrfach vor einem größeren Publikum gehalten hatte.) [Henri Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte, Positivism, French Revolution, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, John Stuart Mill, Edward Bellamy, Robert Owen, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, The Humanist Frame, M. King Hubbert, Howard Scott, thermodynamics, entropy, non-renewable resources, private property, Franklin D. Roosevelt, New Deal, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Karl Popper, Utopia & Violence, New World Order, collectivism, carbon currency] |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 033 : Interview : Pete Griffiths : The Gospel According to L. Ron Hubbard
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 032 : Interview : Kurt Haskell : Witness to a False-Flag Operation
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 031 : Interview : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Washington Is Insane
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 030 : Interview : Dr. Tim Ball : On the Politicisation of Climate Science
According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), Global Sea Level is rising at an alarming rate, threatening millions who live in coastal regions and islands around the world, thanks to the global-warming activities of human beings on planet Earth. To challenge these claims, we are joined by Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, former Expert Reviewer for the IPCC, and erstwhile Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at the University of Stockholm in Sweden, whose research into sea levels around the globe paints a very different picture.
[Global Warming, Climate Change, AGW, Global Sea Level, CO2, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, Maldives, the vandalised Male Tree, Bangladesh, Venice, nuclear energy, Bert Bolin, Olof Palme, Brundtland Report] |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 026 : Interview : Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner : The Great Sea-Level Humbug
My guest for this interview is Prof. Edgar Andrews, Emeritus Professor of Materials Science at the University of London. With his book "Who Made God?" as our focus, we explore the explanatory limits of the natural sciences and discuss how his concept of the God Hypothesis offers a coherent explanation of reality. Prof. Andrews also expresses his concern about the increase in atheistic propaganda in the mainstream media, and shares his experience of debating Richard Dawkins at the Oxford Union in 1986 on the motion: "That the doctrine of creation is more valid than the theory of evolution." |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 025 : Interview : Prof. Edgar Andrews : Who Made God?
"Televangelists have called him a cultist, a fraud, and the Antichrist. He says he's just doing what Jesus would want." (The New Yorker) Ole Anthony, founder and president of the Trinity Foundation in Dallas Texas, joins us to discuss the work of his foundation investigating fraud and other abuses of the public trust within the religious broadcasting industry. After decades of research into televangelist 'household names', such as Robert Tilton and Benny Hinn, Ole Anthony shares with us what motivates him to pursue this difficult ministry. |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 024 : Interview : Ole Anthony : On Fleecing the Flock
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 022 : Interview : Tony Gosling : Bilderberg 2013
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 021 : Interview : Marc Morano : The Great Global Warming Media Retreat
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 019 : Interview : Dr. Eric Karlstrom : Misanthropic Global Hoaxing?
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 017 : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Building the Kingdom of God on Earth
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 015 : Interview : Tony Brown : Jehovah's Theocratic Organisation?
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 012 : Interview : James Corbett : Rings Within Rings - Anatomy of the NWO
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 011 : Interview : Dr. Stanley Monteith : Secret Societies & World Government
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 010 : Interview : Cori Brackett : Aspartame - Sweet Misery?
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