TMR 053 : Interview : Marcia Montenegro : The New Age - Beautiful Deception

MarciaOur guest this week is ex-professional astrologer Marcia Montenegro of Christian Answers for the New Age, who joins us to discuss the diverse teachings and practices of the New Age movement. Neither a religion nor a philosophy, but more precisely a worldview, the New Age offers a perceptive critique of many of the dehumanising features of modern life, but proposes a solution, which (though in many ways attractive) is nevertheless deceptive, harmful, and ultimately incapable of delivering on its promises. Marcia also shares with us her spiritual journey: from her initial rejection of Christianity, through her increasing involvement in the New Age to the point of becoming a professional astrologer and one-time president of the Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society, to her eventual coming to faith in Jesus Christ and subsequent work as a missionary reaching out to those involved in the New Age.


 [The New Age, spirit guides, astral travel, astrology, as above so below, the tarot, transcendental meditation, out-of-body experience, numerology, palm reading, theosophy, the Occult, demons, gnosticism, the One, New Thought, reincarnation, spiritual evolution, Age of Aquarius, Age of Pisces, Hinduism, Buddhism, logic, truth, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, the Calming of the Storm, Paul Tillich, John A. T. Robinson, David E. Jenkins]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 053 : Interview : Marcia Montenegro : The New Age - Beautiful Deception

TMR 052 : Interview : Dr. Frederick vom Saal : Bisphenol A (BPA)

vomSaalOur guest this week is Dr. Frederick vom Saal, Curators' Professor in the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia, who joins us to discuss the substance bisphenol A (or BPA), and to share with us his serious concerns about its impact upon human health.

A component of many of the plastics we use every day, and commonly to be found in products as diverse as computer casings, tooth sealants, canned food linings and even thermal paper till receipts, BPA is used in vast quantities across the globe, and widely considered to be safe by regulating authorities. But, as Dr. vom Saal explains, mounting research is increasingly implicating BPA as a likely significant contributor to a wide array of human health and fertility problems.

Dr. vom Saal also explains how the chemical industry continues to resist these findings by hiding behind outdated principles of toxicology, and shares with us how we can modify our lifestyles to begin reducing our levels of BPA.


[bisphenol A, BPA, endocrine disruptor, sex hormone, thallates, estrogen, estradiol, polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride, thermal paper, can linings, food containers, tooth sealants, plastic casings, baby bottles, baby toys, polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, infertility, miscarriage, premature delivery, breast cancer, sexual function, sperm quality, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, immune system, kidney, liver, aggression, IQ, epidemiology, Food and Drug Administration, FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, National Institutes of Health, NIH, American Chemistry Council, ACC, European Food Safety Authority, EFSA , toxicology, epigenetics, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, endocrinology, Wolfgang Dekant]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 052 : Interview : Dr. Frederick vom Saal : Bisphenol A (BPA)

TMR 051 : Mike Kenner : Who In The World Were They Spraying? - Part Two

spraying 203We continue our interview with Mike Kenner, open government campaigner and Cold War researcher. In Part Two of this detailed look at the highly-questionable activities of Porton Down (the UK Government's chemical and biological warfare research establishments in Wiltshire), we turn our attention to their use of chemical simulants in open-air field trials in, or near to, populated areas.

Between 1949 and 1976, military scientists from Porton Down conducted over 350 separate experiments ("field trials") in public areas of the UK, during which massive amounts of live bacteria and hazardous chemical compounds were sprayed over populated areas. Designed further to investigate the feasibility of Biological Warfare (BW), these field trials were conducted in utmost secrecy, and often involved the unwitting co-operation of local authorities, local police forces, and in some cases, local populations, who were always told that the trials were to investigate atmospheric pollution.

Until 1997, the UK public remained unaware of Porton Down's public area BW field trial programme. Since then, more and more field trials have been discovered. More disturbing, however, is the Ministry of Defence's refusal to rule out conducting similar, large-scale, public area BW field trials in the future, should they deem there to be a military need to do so.

(Part One)


[Porton Down, UK Ministry of Defence, MOD, zinc cadmium sulphide, FP, oesophageal cancer, Bristol Trials, Bedford Trials, Cardington Trials, Balloon Development Establishment, Norwich Trials, Halvergate, Salisbury Trials, Swanage, Portland, Weymouth, Dorchester, East Lulworth, Professor Peter Lachmann, bacillus globigii, BG, anthrax, FOIA, John Profumo, Roy Mason, Defence Advisory Notice, D-Notice, The Dice Trials, drum impactor, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, DERA, Health and Safety Executive, HSE, chemtrails]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 051 : Mike Kenner : Who In The World Were They Spraying? - Part Two

TMR 050 : Mike Kenner : Who In The World Were They Spraying? - Part One

WV787smThis week we welcome Mike Kenner, open government campaigner and Cold War researcher, who joins us for Part One of a detailed look at the highly-questionable activities of Porton Down, the UK Government's chemical and biological warfare research establishments in Wiltshire.

Between 1949 and 1976, military scientists from Porton Down conducted over 350 separate experiments ("field trials") in public areas of the UK, during which massive amounts of live bacteria and hazardous chemical compounds were sprayed over populated areas. Designed further to investigate the feasibility of Biological Warfare (BW), these field trials were conducted in utmost secrecy, and often involved the unwitting co-operation of local authorities, local police forces, and in some cases, local populations, who were always told that the trials were to investigate atmospheric pollution.

Until 1997, the UK public remained unaware of Porton Down's public area BW field trial programme. Since then, more and more field trials have been discovered. More disturbing, however, is the Ministry of Defence's refusal to rule out conducting similar, large-scale, public area BW field trials in the future, should they deem there to be a military need to do so.

(Part Two)


[Porton Down, Ministry of Defence, MOD, Cold War, biological weapons, BW, chemical weapons, Lyme Bay Trials, sarin, Ronald Maddison, Westwood, serratia marcescens, SM, bacillus globigii, BG, Railway Coach Trials, anthrax, E. coli, Professor Brian Spratt, East Lulworth, Weymouth, Swanage, Zinc Cadmium Sulphide, Gruinard Island]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 050 : Mike Kenner : Who In The World Were They Spraying? - Part One

TMR 049 : Barrie Zwicker : Conspiracy Theory - Analysis of a Weaponised Term

BarrieZwickerThe veteran Canadian journalist, media critic and documentary film producer Barrie Zwicker joins us for an analysis of the term "conspiracy theory" or "conspiracy theorist." Weaponised by the CIA in the late 1960s as a device for its assets in the media to discourage criticism of the Warren Report, the term "conspiracy theorist" became a powerful thought-stopper and has functioned ever since as a tool of psychological control. Barrie Zwicker also shares with us aspects of his experience as a 9/11 Truther, offers advice on how to respond to accusations, and gives us his forecast on the mainstream media's coverage of the 50th anniversary of the "execution" of JFK.

[conspiracy theory, conspiracy theorist, conspiracy nut, conspiracy whacko, tin foil hat, 9/11, false-flag operations, CIA, National Clandestine Service, NCS, 1035-960, Operation Mockingbird, PSYOP, Psychological Warfare Division, JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Warren Commission Report, FDR, Pearl Harbor, Marshall McLuhan, Bertrand Russell, George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, crimestop, Charles Pigden, Big Foot, Elvis, Lochness Monster, Abominable Snowman, Jonathan Kay, Among the Truthers, Peter Dale Scott, SCAD, Charles Pigden, The Muckrakers, tobacco industry]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 049 : Barrie Zwicker : Conspiracy Theory - Analysis of a Weaponised Term

TMR 048 : Interview : Dr. Michael J. Behe : Intelligent Design

MichaelJBeheThis week, we are joined by Dr. Michael J. Behe, professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, for an in-depth (and sometimes slightly technical) interview on the theory of Intelligent Design (ID). Author of two iconic books on ID - Darwin's Black Box, and The Edge of Evolution - Dr. Behe explains how his research into the complexity of biological systems at the molecular level led him to question the adequacy of the Darwinian paradigm, and why he now believes that the data point towards Intelligent Design.

We also discuss empirical research indicating the limits of Darwinian processes, the logical status of ID theory, and Dr. Behe responds to objections to ID raised at the famous Kitzmiller vs. Dover court case of 2005.

[Intelligent Design, ID, evolution, Darwinism, Creationism, Michael Denton, Kitzmiller vs. Dover, Establishment Clause, inference to the best explanation, irreducible complexity, bacterial flagellum, intracellular transport, Type III secretory system, TTSS, haemoglobin, thalassemia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, G6PD, E. coli, malaria, sickle-cell disease, protein bonding, Flying Spaghetti Monster, FSM, Pastafarianism, David Hume, William Paley, Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Kenneth Miller, John McDonald, Judge John E. Jones, Richard Lenski, Big Bang Theory, Walther Nernst, peer review, God of the gaps fallacy, self-organisation, chaos theory, complexity theory]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 048 : Interview : Dr. Michael J. Behe : Intelligent Design

TMR 044 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Osama bin Laden - The Man Who Died Twice


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts returns to the Podcast for a detailed analysis of the claimed "assassination" of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEAL Team 6 in 2011, and to discuss the many disturbing questions surrounding the suspicious deaths of so many of that Team in the subsequent helicopter shoot-down in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. Dr. Roberts also discusses false-flag operations, gives an update on Syria, comments upon the ongoing revelations about the NSA and gives his reaction to the 2013 US Government Shutdown.

(We invite listeners also to hear Podcast 29 : In Memoriam Osama bin Elvis, and to consult the notes to that investigation.)

[Osama bin Laden, SEAL Team 6, Abbottabad, Operation Neptune Spear, Geronimo, Al Qaeda, Muhammad Bashir, 9/11, Osama bin Laden buried at sea, USS Carl Vinson, Stratfor, Boeing CH-47 Chinook, Michael Strange, Charles Strange, Boston Marathon bombing, Syria, Iraq, WMDs, Operation Gladio, Baader Meinhof, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Maine, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Emperor Hirohito, false flag, Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin, David Cameron, John Kerry, William Binney, Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Kirsty Wark, NSA, 2013 US Government Shutdown]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 044 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Osama bin Laden - The Man Who Died Twice

TMR 043 : Interview : Dr. Tim Ball : On Depopulation and the Neo-Malthusians

DrTimBallWe are once again joined by Dr. Tim Ball, retired professor of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg, for a detailed interview on the ideology of human population reduction that has infiltrated much of the environmental movement. Ignited by Thomas Malthus in the early 19th Century, and fanned into flame by the Neo-Malthusians of the 1960s and '70s, this anti-humanistic ideology became crystallised in the thinking of The Club of Rome; an elitist group, explains Dr. Ball, which pursued the goals of that ideology through instrumentalising the theory of man-made global warming.


LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 043 : Interview : Dr. Tim Ball : On Depopulation and the Neo-Malthusians

TMR 042 : Interview : Niki Raapana : Communitarianism - Dialectical Tool of the NWO

NikiWe are joined this week by Alaskan-based author, researcher and blogger Niki Raapana, whose investigations into the mind-bending philosophy/religion of Communitarianism led her (with her daughter Nordica Friedrich) to pen The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto and 2020 : Our Common Destiny. Niki, who has adopted a traditional life-style in order to "live outside the dialectic", shares with us what triggered her investigations, and how Communitarianism - the favoured tool of globalists - is gradually effecting a dialectical reinterpretation of our world, and preparing us to accept a New World Order.



[Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Hegelian dialectic, Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis, Amitai Etzioni, Ideology of Balancing, The Communitarian Network, Asset-Based Community Development, ABCD, John L. McKnight, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Problem-Oriented Policing, POP, Weed and Seed, Bill Clinton, Common Purpose UK, American Sociological Association, Technocracy, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, U.S. Bill of Rights, E.U. Constitution, Martin Buber, Bolivian Constitution, Pachamama, Mother Earth Rights, Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Rio+20]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 042 : Interview : Niki Raapana : Communitarianism - Dialectical Tool of the NWO

TMR 041 : Interview : Dr. Stanley Monteith : The Population Control Agenda

Dr. Stanley MonteithThis week our guest is once again Dr. Stanley Monteith, retired orthopaedic surgeon, veteran Christian researcher and radio host, who joins us to discuss the thesis of his controversial article, "The Population Control Agenda." Arguing that there exists a hidden agenda within elitist circles to reduce the world's human population by over 90%, Dr. Monteith indicates ways in which he believes this agenda is being implemented in the world today.

[Georgia Guidestones, AIDS, Margaret Sanger, Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Eric Pianka, Ebola Reston, Forrest Mims, Baxter International, Orth-Donau, H5N1, Jacques Cousteau, Prince Philip, Ted Turner, Kissinger Report, National Security Study Memorandum 200, NSSM 200, immunologic adjuvants, aspartame, bisphenol A, BPA, tax-exempt foundations, abortion, overpopulation, underpopulation, neo-Malthusian, Population Research Institute, Steven Mosher, Optimum Population Trust, Sir David Attenborough, Jonathon Porritt, James Lovelock]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 041 : Interview : Dr. Stanley Monteith : The Population Control Agenda

TMR 040 : Interview : Mark Musser : Nazi Oaks

MarkMusserCould it be that "the highway to modern environmentalism passed through Nazi Germany"?

We are joined by Pastor Mark Musser, author of the book Nazi Oaks : The Green Sacrifice of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust, who explains how the worldview of the Nazis, which led to the abominations of the Holocaust, was deeply-rooted in the ecological undercurrents of the anti-Semitism, anti-theism, and anti-humanism of the early German green movement. Gathering together the strands of a bewildering number of influences, from Romanticism to existentialism and Social Darwinism, this ecology served to rationalise (in their eyes) and invigorate their racist and eugenicist 'purification' of land and people. But lest we consider all this history, we should note some significant parallels to that ecology within modern-day extreme environmentalism, and remain vigilant.


[Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Hitler, Göring, Himmler, Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, Richard Walther Darre, Leni Riefenstahl, antisemitism, das Volk, Lebensraum, Blut und Bloden, German Romanticism, Mysticism, German Existentialism, Social Darwinism, Enlightenment, Goethe, Hegel, Richard Wagner, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Ernst Haeckel, Henry David Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, Deep Ecology, August Kubizek, Lynn White Jr., Club of Rome, Gaia, Stanley L. Jaki, animal rights, Dauerwald, sustainable development, Jesse Owens, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, higher criticism, population control, bioregionalism]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 040 : Interview : Mark Musser : Nazi Oaks

TMR 038 : Interview : Michael Shaw : Agenda 21

MichaelShaw1"Humanity stands at a defining moment in history."

So begins the UN's Agenda 21 document to which most of the world signed up following the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. That "defining moment" - as promulgated by the UN - was the need for a "global partnership for sustainable development" to address "disparities between and within nations... poverty, hunger, ill health... illiteracy" and "deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend..." Well-intentioned, we might think. But joining us to warn of its dangers is Michael Shaw, President of Freedom Advocates, who identifies Agenda 21 as the globalist action plan aimed at removing our unalienable rights, reducing human population, subverting national sovereignty by dividing the world into a system of globally-administered city states, and ultimately building an authoritarian New World Order of oligarchical rule.


[Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Wildlands Network, Wildlands Project, Climate Change, Common Purpose, COG, Council of Governments, ABAG, Association of Bay Area Governments, NGOs, non-governmental organisation, ICLEI, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Silicon Valley, unalienable rights, Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta, misprision of treason, city states, United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, public-private partnership, PPP, Mussolini, economic fascism, corporatism, New World Order, World Government, Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Council for Sustainable Development, population control, surveillance, CCTV]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 038 : Interview : Michael Shaw : Agenda 21

TMR 037 : Interview : Tony Rooke : 9/11 Truth Vs. The BBC

TonyRooke"A person commits an offence if he— (a) provides money or other property, and (b) knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that it will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism."

(The Terrorism Act 2000, Part III, Section 15, Article 3)

Earlier this year, film-maker and 9/11 Truth activist Tony Rooke was summonsed to court for not paying his TV licence. In his defence, he appealed to the Terrorism Act 2000, arguing that much of the BBC's coverage of 9/11 (and 7/7 - the London Bombings) had been so disingenuous as to serve as a cover-up for the real criminals in each case, and that to have paid his licence fee to the BBC would have been to have committed a much more serious offence under the Act. To discuss the court case, and to share with us the motivation behind his film-making, we are joined by Tony Rooke, who also explains how his Christian faith inspires and sustains his activism.

[9/11,  7/7, London Bombings, Twin Towers, Building 7, BBC, Jane Standley, Philip Hayton, Richard Porter, Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Hani Hanjour, Craig Bartmer, depleted uranium, Iraq, The 9/11 Commission Report, NIST, David Chandler, Kevin Ryan, Niels Harrit, Tony Farrell, David Shayler, Adrian Connock, controlled demolition, nanothermite]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 037 : Interview : Tony Rooke : 9/11 Truth Vs. The BBC

TMR 036 : Interview : Robert M. Bowman Jnr. : The Word-Faith Movement

RobertMBowmanThis week we are joined by Robert M. Bowman Jnr., Director of Research at the Institute for Religious Research (, for an in-depth interview on the history and teachings of the Word-Faith (or Word of Faith) Movement within Christianity. Born out of the "faith-cure" teachings of the late 19th & early 20th Centuries, and developed and popularised in recent decades by flamboyant evangelists and preachers like Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland, Word-Faith teaching now reaches the homes of millions through TV broadcasts around the globe. Promising health and wealth in the name of Christ, and assuring its followers that they have delegated spiritual power from God literally to speak miracles into their own lives, this unbiblical distortion of Christianity sets unrealistic expectations, and often leads to disappointment, and sometimes even to rejection of Christ.


[Word of Faith, Word-Faith, Health and Wealth, Prosperity Gospel, positive confession, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn, E. W. Kenyon, A. J. Gordon, William Branham, Charles Capps, Frederick K. C. Price, Joel Osteen, John Osteen, Latter Rain Movement, Trinity Broadcasting Network, TBN, eschatology, New Age, Faith-Cure Movement, Restorationism, Seed-Faith]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 036 : Interview : Robert M. Bowman Jnr. : The Word-Faith Movement

TMR 035 : Interview : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Technocracy & the Smart Grid : Part Two

MartinErdmann1We are joined again by theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann, former Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University and Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina. In this second of two interviews on the subject of Technocracy and the Smart Grid, Dr. Erdmann introduces the Smart Grid, an energy distribution, allocation, monitoring and control infrastructure which is being quietly constructed across the globe, and which threatens to be the long-awaited tool of Technocracy in its utopian dream to forge a perfect world order. But the crucial step will be that we uncritically welcome the Smart Meter into our homes. Replete with enticements, and apparently benign, the WiFi-enabled Smart Meter will eventually communicate with every appliance in the home, always making the most rational and energy-efficient choices based on computer algorithms programmed according to political policies aimed at steadily reducing the power consumption of the monitored populations. But in so doing, it will usher in a world in which citizen privacy, consumer control, and ultimately freedom will be things of the past.

 [Henri Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte, Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy, Julian Huxley, The Humanist Frame, M. King Hubbert, Howard Scott, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, James Lovelock, Gaia, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, New World Order, IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission, UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, Davos, World Economic Forum, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Stimulus Package, green religion, organicism, Club of Rome, Internet of Things, IoT, Fusion Centers, Grid Friendly Appliance Controller, James Corbett]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 035 : Interview : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Technocracy & the Smart Grid : Part Two

TMR 034 : Interview : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Technocracy & the Smart Grid : Part One

MartinErdmann1For the first of two interviews on the subject of Technocracy and the Smart Grid, we are again joined by theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann, former Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University and Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina. In this interview, Dr. Erdmann introduces the technocratic movement of 1930s' America under Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert, and traces its intellectual roots to the positivistic, anti-supernaturalist and utopian ideas of the 18th/19th-Century French philosophers Henri Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte. But, explains Dr. Erdmann, Technocracy is far from dead; bewitched by its ideals of a fair, efficient and ecological economy, and now emancipated by the wonders of smart technology, the utopian dreamers of our day are gradually resurrecting Technocracy, and quietly ushering in an Orwellian nightmare of global, totalitarian control.

(Für Zuhörer, die der deutschen Sprache mächtig sind, präsentieren wir hier einen Vortrag von Dr. Erdmann zum Thema „Neues Christentum“ (Henri St. Simons Technokratie), den er auf seiner jüngsten Reise in Europa mehrfach vor einem größeren Publikum gehalten hatte.)

 [Henri Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte, Positivism, French Revolution, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, John Stuart Mill, Edward Bellamy, Robert Owen, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, The Humanist Frame, M. King Hubbert, Howard Scott, thermodynamics, entropy, non-renewable resources, private property, Franklin D. Roosevelt, New Deal, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Karl Popper, Utopia & Violence, New World Order, collectivism, carbon currency]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 034 : Interview : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Technocracy & the Smart Grid : Part One

TMR 033 : Interview : Pete Griffiths : The Gospel According to L. Ron Hubbard

PeteGriffithsWe are joined by Pete Griffiths of Ex-Scientologists UK for an in-depth interview on the history, beliefs and practices of the so-called Church of Scientology, and on its founder L. Ron Hubbard. Once an active staff member of the Church of Scientology, Pete shares with us the many reasons why he came to reject the organisation and why he now considers it both deceptive and dangerous.


[L. Ron Hubbard, Church of Scientology, Dianetics, Thetan, Engram, Clear, Operating Thetan, Reactive Mind, Ruins, SP, Suppressive Person, PTS, Potential Trouble Source, Disconnection, mind control, psycho-analysis, Aleister Crowley, Freud, Utilitarianism, Oxford Capacity Analysis]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 033 : Interview : Pete Griffiths : The Gospel According to L. Ron Hubbard

TMR 032 : Interview : Kurt Haskell : Witness to a False-Flag Operation

KurtHaskell"'s not easy when you're at 20,000 feet, and your plane is on fire, and people are screaming for their lives, and you have to do an emergency landing... let me tell you, it's not easy... And what happened since is even worse: finding out that your own government did it to you on purpose."

On Christmas Day 2009, Kurt Haskell and his wife Lori were on-board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam bound for Detroit, on which the so-called "Underwear Bomber", Farouk Abdulmutallab, attempted to set off an explosive or incendiary device. According to the official version of events, this was an Al-Qaeda attack against the United States of America. Joining us to dispute this narrative, is Kurt Haskell himself, who, as a witness to this event, explains why he believes he was in the presence of a staged, false-flag operation, organised by the U.S. itself.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 032 : Interview : Kurt Haskell : Witness to a False-Flag Operation

TMR 031 : Interview : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Washington Is Insane

PaulCraigRobertsDr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us to discuss his recent article "Washington Is Insane", in which he dismisses as pure propaganda the claim by the U.S. that Syria's President Assad ordered the use of chemical weapons, thus crossing the "red line" declared by Obama. Indeed the real 'villain of the piece' is Washington itself, or rather the "military-security complex" that controls it. (Subjects include: the NSA, false flag terror and the possibility of economic collapse.)

Dr. Roberts is the Chairman of the The Institute for Political Economy. In a varied career, spanning academia, journalism, business and public service, he has held numerous senior academic positions in universities; was an associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal ; and was appointed by President Reagan as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during Reagan's first term in office; after which he served as a consultant to both the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.


[Sarin, Friends of Syria, Supreme Military Council, UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria, Carla Del Ponte, Al-Nusra Front, Jabhat al-Nusra, Al Qaeda, Joint Chiefs of Staff, JFK, Gulf of Tonkin, false flag, propaganda, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, Der Spiegel, military-industrial complex, WMD, R2P, NATO, Eisenhower, NSA, Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Cardinal József Mindszenty, Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, Pravda, Oliver Stone, The Untold History of the United States, Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah, China, Russia, WWIII, Dr. Strangelove, William Kristol]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 031 : Interview : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Washington Is Insane

TMR 030 : Interview : Dr. Tim Ball : On the Politicisation of Climate Science

DrTimBall"When we allow science to become political then we are lost. We will enter the Internet version of the Dark Ages, an era of stifling fears and wild prejudices, transmitted to people who don’t know any better."

(Michael Crichton)

So prefaced is the website of Dr. Tim Ball, retired professor of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg, who joins us for an interview in which he shares with his views on the history of the politicisation of Climate Science.


LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 030 : Interview : Dr. Tim Ball : On the Politicisation of Climate Science

TMR 026 : Interview : Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner : The Great Sea-Level Humbug

NilsAxelMornerAccording to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), Global Sea Level is rising at an alarming rate, threatening millions who live in coastal regions and islands around the world, thanks to the global-warming activities of human beings on planet Earth. To challenge these claims, we are joined by Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, former Expert Reviewer for the IPCC, and erstwhile Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at the University of Stockholm in Sweden, whose research into sea levels around the globe paints a very different picture.


[Global Warming, Climate Change, AGW, Global Sea Level, CO2, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, Maldives, the vandalised Male Tree, Bangladesh, Venice, nuclear energy, Bert Bolin, Olof Palme, Brundtland Report]

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 026 : Interview : Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner : The Great Sea-Level Humbug

TMR 025 : Interview : Prof. Edgar Andrews : Who Made God?

EdgarAndrewsMy guest for this interview is Prof. Edgar Andrews, Emeritus Professor of Materials Science at the University of London. With his book "Who Made God?" as our focus, we explore the explanatory limits of the natural sciences and discuss how his concept of the God Hypothesis offers a coherent explanation of reality. Prof. Andrews also expresses his concern about the increase in atheistic propaganda in the mainstream media, and shares his experience of debating Richard Dawkins at the Oxford Union in 1986 on the motion: "That the doctrine of creation is more valid than the theory of evolution."

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 025 : Interview : Prof. Edgar Andrews : Who Made God?

TMR 024 : Interview : Ole Anthony : On Fleecing the Flock

Ole"Televangelists have called him a cultist, a fraud, and the Antichrist. He says he's just doing what Jesus would want." (The New Yorker)

Ole Anthony, founder and president of the Trinity Foundation in Dallas Texas, joins us to discuss the work of his foundation investigating fraud and other abuses of the public trust within the religious broadcasting industry. After decades of research into televangelist 'household names', such as Robert Tilton and Benny Hinn, Ole Anthony shares with us what motivates him to pursue this difficult ministry.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 024 : Interview : Ole Anthony : On Fleecing the Flock

TMR 022 : Interview : Tony Gosling : Bilderberg 2013

TonyGoslingTony Gosling, investigative radio journalist and ex-BBC reporter, joins us for the fourth interview in the World Government series; this time on the Bilderberg Group. Drawing upon his years of research, Tony traces both the official and unofficial histories of this secretive globalist organisation, and assesses its influence in the modern world. Tony also shares his views on the BBC and mainstream journalism today.


LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 022 : Interview : Tony Gosling : Bilderberg 2013

TMR 021 : Interview : Marc Morano : The Great Global Warming Media Retreat

MarcMoranoMarc Morano of joins us to discuss his recent Climate Depot Round Up: "The great warmist retreat has officially begun. The mainstream media cannot maintain the official man-made global warming narrative any longer." In a characteristic tour de force of climate-realist commentary, Marc also addresses Climategate 3.0, how massive public funding has distorted science through incentivising pro-warmist research, and why Climate Science is the new astrology.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 021 : Interview : Marc Morano : The Great Global Warming Media Retreat

TMR 019 : Interview : Dr. Eric Karlstrom : Misanthropic Global Hoaxing?

EricKarlstromWhat is the true nature of the hypothesis of Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption Global Weirding? Is it scientific? Or is it essentially political? Joining us to affirm the latter, and to express his concerns about current geo-engineering programmes, is Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography at California State University, Stanislaus, and long-time researcher in Quaternary Paleoclimatology.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 019 : Interview : Dr. Eric Karlstrom : Misanthropic Global Hoaxing?

TMR 017 : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Building the Kingdom of God on Earth

MartinErdmann1For the third interview in the series: "Does Anybody Really Believe in World Government?", I am joined by theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann, Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University and Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina. With his meticulously-researched book, "Building the Kingdom of God on Earth", as our focus, we explore how elitist internationalists exploited the liberal Christian Ecumenical Movement in the early C20th in order to propagandise the American population with the message of a technocratic New World Order. We also discuss current manifestations of this strategy within modern evangelicalism.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 017 : Dr. Martin Erdmann : Building the Kingdom of God on Earth

TMR 015 : Interview : Tony Brown : Jehovah's Theocratic Organisation?

TonyBrownPastor Tony Brown of Sunbridge Road Mission in Bradford (UK) and outreach advisor for UK Partnerships for Christ, joins me for the second interview on New Religious Movements; this time for a detailed look at the Jehovah's Witnesses. Speaking from his own experience of having once been involved with the Jehovah's Witnesses, Tony shares insights into their history and beliefs, and gives advice for Christians on how to engage in fruitful discussion.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 015 : Interview : Tony Brown : Jehovah's Theocratic Organisation?

TMR 012 : Interview : James Corbett : Rings Within Rings - Anatomy of the NWO

JamesCorbettFor this second interview in the series: "Does Anybody Really Believe in World Government?", I am joined by James Corbett, investigative journalist & creator of The Corbett Report. In this wide-ranging and in-depth interview, we discuss meanings of the term 'New World Order', and James analyses the structure, ideology and aims of well-known/less-well-known semi-secret globalist organisations being steered towards the goal of oligarchical world government.


LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 012 : Interview : James Corbett : Rings Within Rings - Anatomy of the NWO

TMR 011 : Interview : Dr. Stanley Monteith : Secret Societies & World Government

Dr. Stanley MonteithFor this first interview in the series entitled: "Does Anybody Really Believe in World Government?", I am joined by retired orthopaedic surgeon, veteran Christian researcher and radio host Dr. Stanley Monteith. Drawing upon Dr. Monteith's decades of research, we discuss the role of secret societies (the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group) in the push towards World Government by a ruling oligarchy.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 011 : Interview : Dr. Stanley Monteith : Secret Societies & World Government

TMR 010 : Interview : Cori Brackett : Aspartame - Sweet Misery?

CoriBrackettMy guest for this interview is Cori Brackett, creator of the powerful and thought-provoking documentaries Sweet Misery and Sweet Remedy. Cori talks about her own experience of being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and describes how, through her research, she came to believe that the artificial sweetener aspartame played a significant role in her illness.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 010 : Interview : Cori Brackett : Aspartame - Sweet Misery?

TMR 009 : Interview : Bobby Gilpin : Another Testament of Jesus Christ? Mormonism & the Art of Dialogue

Bobby GilpinChristian evangelist and specialist in outreach to Mormons, Bobby Gilpin, joins me on The Mind Renewed for an in-depth interview on the history and beliefs of the Mormon religion (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Bobby also shares from his experience valuable insights on how best to enagage in fruitful discussion with Mormon missionaries and regular LDS members.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 009 : Interview : Bobby Gilpin : Another Testament of Jesus Christ? Mormonism & the Art of...



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