RobertMBowmanThis week we are joined by Robert M. Bowman Jnr., Director of Research at the Institute for Religious Research (, for an in-depth interview on the history and teachings of the Word-Faith (or Word of Faith) Movement within Christianity. Born out of the "faith-cure" teachings of the late 19th & early 20th Centuries, and developed and popularised in recent decades by flamboyant evangelists and preachers like Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland, Word-Faith teaching now reaches the homes of millions through TV broadcasts around the globe. Promising health and wealth in the name of Christ, and assuring its followers that they have delegated spiritual power from God literally to speak miracles into their own lives, this unbiblical distortion of Christianity sets unrealistic expectations, and often leads to disappointment, and sometimes even to rejection of Christ.


[Word of Faith, Word-Faith, Health and Wealth, Prosperity Gospel, positive confession, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn, E. W. Kenyon, A. J. Gordon, William Branham, Charles Capps, Frederick K. C. Price, Joel Osteen, John Osteen, Latter Rain Movement, Trinity Broadcasting Network, TBN, eschatology, New Age, Faith-Cure Movement, Restorationism, Seed-Faith]

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