Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
In addition to having held numerous senior academic positions in universities, Dr. Roberts was an associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, and was appointed by President Reagan as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during Reagan's first term in office, following which he served as a consultant to both the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
- Dr. Roberts is now the Chairman of the The Institute for Political Economy. (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/)
A Correction
- A listener has kindly pointed out that I misspoke when I said Ireland had initially rejected the Maastricht Treaty. In fact Ireland had initially rejected the Nice Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty.
Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview
- Paul Craig Roberts, "Somnolent Europe, Russia and China", PaulCraigRoberts.org (05 May 2016)
- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, "EU-federalists financed by US spy chiefs", The Telegraph (19 September 2000)
- ____________________, "The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover", The Telegraph (27 April 2016)
- Alan Sked, "How a secretive elite created the EU to build a world government", The Telegraph (27 November 2015)
- Richard J. Aldrich, "OSS, CIA and European Unity : The American Committee on United Europe, 1948-60", Diplomacy & Statecraft 8.1 (1997), Routledge. The article is accessible via the University of Warwick [external PDF].
- Christopher Booker, "The EU's architects never meant it to be a democracy : The rise of a "technocracy" was always part of the plan for Europe", The Telegraph (12 November 2011)
- Justin Raimondo, "The EU - A CIA Covert Operation", AntiWar.com (02 May 2016)
- David Rockefeller et al, The Trilateral Commission at 25, Trilateral.org
- The Spectator Debate : Should Britain Leave the EU, The Spectator YouTube chanel (28 April 2016)
- Intelligence2, "Both Britain and the EU Would be Happier if They Got Divorced", IntelligenceSquared.com (2013)
- Jean Monnet (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Monnet)
- An interesting interview with Jean Monnet (a "founding father" of the EU) from 1963, in which he insists on both European political union and "equal partnership" with the USA. His motivation may well have been to see the birth of a more peaceful world, but his technocractic (and therefore, in my view, undemocratic) attitude can be seen in these words: "As the common interest broadens, political unity will tend to develop, and we can be quite certain that as soon as all the Community countries and Great Britain see their interests in the same light, they will speak with the same voice in political matters." [external PDF]
- European Youth Campaign (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Youth_Campaign)
- European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) (http://www.ert.eu/)
- List of ERT members (http://www.ert.eu/members)
- Keith Richardson, "Big Business and the European Agenda" [external PDF], SEI Working Paper 35, Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex (September 200) [Keith Richardson was formerly Secretary General of the European Roundtable of Industrialists]
- The Brussels Business - Who Runs the EU?, Under the Milky Way UK YouTube Channel (2012)
- The Financial Times "Poll of Polls" (https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/)
- American Committee on United Europe (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Committee_on_United_Europe)
- David A. Shlapak and Michael W. Johnson, "Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Flank : Wargaming the Defense of the Baltics" [external PDF], RAND Corporation (2016)
TMR interviews mentioned in / relevant to the conversation
Podcast theme music, Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U compilation (CC BY-NC 2.5).