Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
In addition to having held numerous senior academic positions in universities, Dr. Roberts was an associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, and was appointed by President Reagan as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during Reagan's first term in office, following which he served as a consultant to both the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
- Dr. Roberts is now the Chairman of the The Institute for Political Economy. (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/)
Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview
Paul Craig Roberts, "Finally The Russians Have Caught On That Negotiation With Washington Is Pointless", PaulCraigRoberts.org (22 September 2016)
_______________, "He Who Hesitates Is Lost And Russia Hesitated", PaulCraigRoberts.org (24 September 2016)
Seymour Hersh, "Collective Intelligence", The New Yorker (12 May 2003) [JC: Regarding neoconservatives, Leo Strauss and "noble lies"]
Finian Cunningham, "Why US Had to Kill the Syrian Ceasefire", Strategic Culture Foundation (20 September 2016)
Craig Murray, "The Barrel Bomb Conundrum", CraigMurray.org.uk (18 September 2016)
"It is a fascinating example of a propaganda meme. Barrel bombs are being used by Syrian government forces, though on a pretty small scale. They are an improvised weapon made by packing conventional explosive into a beer barrel... If a bomb were to drop near me, I would much prefer it to be a barrel bomb as it would be less likely to kill me than the UK and US manufactured professional variety. If however my guts were to be eviscerated by flying hunks of white hot metal, I would not particularly care what kind of bomb it was."—Craig Murray
"LAVROV MAKES HISTORY: 'Ceasefires' were bogus, nixes future 'unilateral measures' ", Fort Russ (22 September 2016)
Emma Graham-Harrison, "UK in denial over Saudi arms sales being used in Yemen, claims Oxfam", The Guardian (23 August 2016)
- Nafeez Ahmed, "Pentagon report predicted West’s support for Islamist rebels would create ISIS : Anti-ISIS coalition knowingly sponsored violent extremists to ‘isolate’ Assad, rollback ‘Shia expansion’ ", Medium.com (22 May 2015)
"Syria: Kerry urges Russia 'to come clean' over air strikes", BBC News (21 September 2016)
- Felicity Arbuthnot, "Syria: Attack on Aid Convoy Kills Twenty, Destroys Aid, And Obliterates US War Crimes in Support of ISIS-Daesh Terror Group?", Global Research (21 September 2016)
Richard Lloyd & Theodore A. Postol: "Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013" [external PDF], MIT Science, Technology, and Global Security Working Group (14 January 2014)
- US "General Wesley Clark : Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw)
James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, Touchstone; Original edition (October 19, 2010)
- Syria Civil Defence ("White Helmets") (http://syriacivildefense.org/)
Vanessa Beeley, " 'White Helmets' : New Breed of Mercenaries and Propagandists, Disguised as 'Humanitarians' in Syria", 21st Century Wire (01 September 2015)
"Open Letter on Trump from GOP National Security Leaders", War on the Rocks (02 March 2016)
"Coventry - an unlikely home to prominent Syria activist", Reuters (08 December 2011)
[JC: Whatever the trustworthiness of the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, I have never heard the BBC speak of it in any way other than to suggest that it is an organisation on a par with something like, say, Amnesty International. Now, it may be a wonderful organisation; equally, I might have missed BBC broadcasts in which many details were revealed about it. But it was nevertheless something of a revelation to me a couple of years ago to discover that, according to Reuters, the SOHR is run by a Syrian expat and clothes shop manager (Rami Abdulrahman) out of his two-bedroom terraced house (though, apparently, by 2013 out of his semi-detached house) in Coventry, UK.]
Syrian "President al-Assad’s interview given to Associated Press", Syrian Arab News Agency (22 September 2016)
Other TMR interviews relevant to the interview
Podcast theme music, Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov, from his Jazz U compilation (CC BY-NC 2.5).
Slideshow image: "That's All Folks" and "Happy Year of the Snake(s)", each Copyright © Anthony Freda, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission; images variously altered and juxtaposed