TMR 271 : Rev Phill Sacre : COVID & the Churches (Part Two)

PhillSacre"No one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport"—Nadhim Zahawi

We are joined once again by Rev Phill Sacre—an ordained minister in the Church of England and host of the YouTube channel "Sacred Musings : Making Sense of the World from a Christian Perspective"—for a second conversation on the theme of "COVID and the Churches".

In the previous conversation—TMR 267 (Part One)—we discussed the relationship between the UK churches (by and large) and the state during the so-called "pandemic", and asked to what extent the churches have been willing to critique (with reference to Scripture) the seemingly endless stream of diktats issuing from government. In this second conversation we venture into more controversial territory and discuss issues relating to the churches and Vaccine Passports, COVID-19 vaccination policy, and the perennial question: Is this the End?

[Please note that nothing said in this interview should be understood as medical advice in any way.]

"Phill is a Christian minister. He is ordained in the Church of England and serves on a part-time basis in a parish on the Essex coast. The remainder of his time he devotes to his online ministries: Understand the Bible and Sacred Musings : Making Sense of the World from a Christian Perspective (on YouTube)."

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TMR 270 : Philip Kraske : A Legacy of Chains

Philip Kraske“Let one version come out, then another, then another. Let the public pick and choose. Nothing stinks more... than the classic seamless narrative.”—A Legacy of Chains

We welcome back the author Philip Kraske—who joined us in 2019 to discuss his novel, 11/9 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bonsai Trees—for a discussion about his latest book, A Legacy of Chains and Other Stories, a novella plus six shorter stories that "range from the personal to the political, from the comic to the dramatic".

In the novella, A Legacy of Chains, Kraske engages imaginatively with the issue of American POWs allegedly left behind in Vietnam after the Vietnam War, and crafts a vivid tale of nine American servicemen—now in their sixties and seventies—who turn up on the south coast of Spain having escaped from Vietnam after decades in captivity. By way of contrast in the short stories—"The Rainmaker", "Pioneer Woman", "Shoccer", "Alan the Newsboy", "Pirates" and "Exposures"—Kraske explores subjects as diverse as soccer, blackmail, poinsettia theft, and the imagined back-room planning for the "Raid" on Osama bin Laden's "compound" in Pakistan.

Join us as we discuss a few of the more "conspiratorial" aspects of the stories and consider some of the historical claims that underpin the fiction.

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TMR 269 : Sophia Rose : A Stand In The Park


“I’m drawing a line in the sand and showing my face for what I believe is right. I’m Standing with the intention to show enough is enough.”—Brady Gunn, Founder

We are joined by Sophia Rose ("FiFi"), the founder of A Stand In The Park (UK), for a conversation on the history and aims of this difficult-to-define, but hugely important, global movement of concerned citizens.

"A Stand in the Park unites people in parks all over the world every Sunday morning, 10 - 11 am local time. We Stand in the Park to celebrate freedom, diversity and fairness for all.

Brady Gunn started A Stand in the Park in Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia. Brady made a Stand, alone at first, for his personal truth. In Brady’s early Facebook videos he talked about making a Stand for freedom—for our elderly, our children, our jobs and small businesses—against lockdowns, harmful new laws, the ‘pandemic’ and the people behind ‘The Great Reset’. Brady invited others to join him and Stand in THEIR personal truth. It took almost three months, but eventually they came.

At the beginning of 2021 he reconnected with his UK-based friend FiFi Rose, and she was profoundly inspired by the message. FiFi worked tirelessly to spread the Stands to every corner of the British Isles. Since then, the concept has well and truly caught fire, and there are now about 1000 parks participating every Sunday morning across Australia, New Zealand, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland, Denmark, Hungary, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Germany, France, Mexico, Canada and the USA."

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TMR 268 : Diny Fielder-van Kleeff : Vaccine Control Group


We are joined by the author Diny Fielder-van Kleeff, co-founder of the Vaccine Control Group—or, more fully, the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Control Group—for an in-depth interview on the aims and objectives of this intriguiging and potentially highly significant "community cooperative" study.

"The Vaccine Control Group is a worldwide independent long-term study that is seeking to provide a baseline of data from unvaccinated individuals for comparative analysis with the vaccinated population, to evaluate the success of the Covid-19 mass vaccination programme and assist future research projects. This study is not, and will never be, associated with any pharmaceutical enterprise as its impartiality is of paramount importance. The VaxControlGroup is a community cooperative, for the people. All monies raised will be re-invested into the project and its community."—VaxControlGroup

"Diny previously worked as a corporate IT trainer and web designer before leaving to have children. She is currently a home-educating mum to two of her three daughters and a creative writing teacher, author and poet, although most of her writing work has been put on hold due to the commitments of the Control Group."—Diny


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TMR 267 : Rev Phill Sacre : COVID & the Churches (Part One)


"And while I slept, or drank Wittenberg beer with my friends... the Word did everything."—Martin Luther

We welcome to the programme Rev Phill Sacre—an ordained minister in the Church of England and host of the YouTube channel "Phill Sacre : Making Sense of the World from a Christian Perspective"—for a conversation on "COVID and the Churches".

How have most of the UK churches responded to the seemingly endless stream of diktats issuing from government? Have such "rules" been submitted to adequate rational and theological questioning? Or have the churches too often been content simply to toe the line because that has seemed like "the right thing to do"? But has that always been "the right thing to do?"

(See also : TMR 271 : Rev Phill Sacre : COVID & the Churches—Part Two)

"Phill is a Christian minister. He is ordained in the Church of England and serves on a part-time basis in a parish on the Essex coast. The remainder of his time he devotes to his online ministries: "Understand the Bible" and "Sacred Musings : Making Sense of the World from a Christian Perspective" (on YouTube)."

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TMR 264 : John Leake : Reflections Upon an Extraordinary Conversation


We are joined by the award-winning author John Leake for a conversation about the astonishing interview he conducted in May 2021 with the eminent US physician and academic Dr Peter McCullough.

In that interview, which quickly went viral—and which features in the next podcast (TMR 265)—Dr McCullough tells his own story of pursuing early COVID-19 treatment for the sake of patients, describes the resistance by powerful institutions, and shares his deep concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety in the context of continuing moves to push mandatory (or de facto mandatory) COVID-19 vaccination.

In this conversation, John Leake explains why he conducted the interview, and shares with us his views as to how Dr McCullough's powerful words fit into the story of COVID-19 which John has been researching since March 2020 in his capacity as an investigative author.

"Born in Dallas, Texas, John Leake studied history and philosophy with Sir Roger Scruton at Boston University. After moving to Austria on a graduate scholarship, he remained in Vienna for over a decade working as a freelance writer and translator. His first book, Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer, was a New York Times Sunday Book Review "Editors' Choice," a Men's Vogue "Best Book of 2007," and the inspiration for The Infernal Comedy, starring John Malkovich. His second book, Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery, won the 2012 Independent Publisher Award, and the German translation, Eiskalter Tod, received extensive media coverage in Austria and became a bestseller. His investigative work for the Jack Unterweger, Duncan MacPherson, and Angelika Foeger stories has been the subject of numerous television documentaries produced by A&E Biography, Discovery, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "Fifth Estate," and the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation's "Am Schauplatz Gericht."

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TMR 263 : Jeremiah Allen : On Disruptions & Preparations


What might it mean to "prep" and "fast" in a world of disruptions?

Over the last year and a half, so many lives have been disrupted, damaged or even ended by the Covid Event—indeed, each of us has been affected to some to degree or other—and many vested interests seem intent on ensuring that the disruptions will continue into the forseeable future. So, how might the believer in God—and specifically the Christian—best react to this situation?

We are joined by Jeremiah Allen, a Christian entrepreneur now living in Belize, who testifies to the ways in which God has used disruptions in his life—military deployment in Iraq, the 2011 Japanese earthquake, and going down the proverbial "rabbit hole" in response to media lies—to bring him closer to Christ and develop within him a desire for Christian ministry. Drawing upon these experiences, Jeremiah encourages us to "live a life of fasting" (which might, or might not, involve fasting!) and "prep" in anticipation of life's disruptions—spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically—while always "leaning on" the One who made us.

"Jeremiah is a 41-year-old former US Army soldier and Iraqi war veteran ('04-'05). After leaving military service, he worked as a Computer Network Security Expert for the US Missile Defense Agency. In 2013, he left his lucrative career and relocated his wife & two children to pursue ministry in Belize as an entrepreneur. Jeremiah is passionate about Jesus and sharing the Good News with others by living out the Great Commission in everyday life."

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TMR 261 : Dr M R. X. Dentith : Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously - (Part Two : The Pathologising Project)

DentithDeBilderberg“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.”—US President George W. Bush (first national address following 9/11)

We are joined by Dr M R. X. Dentith—Associate Professor in the International Center for Philosophy at Beijing Normal University—for the second instalment of a two-part interview on the subject of Conspiracy Theory Theory.

In this second part we continue to focus upon the important 2018 book edited by Dr Dentith—"Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously"—and move on to discuss the second section of the volume entitled "Diagnosing Conspiracy Theory Theorists", in which Dr Dentith and colleagues take on arguments by fellow academics who seek to "pathologise" conspiracy theorists.

M R. X. Dentith, PhD (Auckland), is the author of The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories (Palgrave, 2014), the first single-author book-length treatment of the philosophical issues surrounding conspiracy theory, and editor of Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously (Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), an edited collection of the most recent work on conspiracy theory theory. They have been a Fellow in the Institute for Research in the Humanities (ICUB) at the University of Bucharest and the New Europe College in Bucharest, and they are currently Associate Professor in the International Center for Philosophy at Beijing Normal University. Their current research project focuses on conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory theory, and secrecy.

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TMR 260 : Dr M R. X. Dentith : Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously - (Part One : Particularism Vs Generalism)

DrMatthewRXDentithMany people say it's irrational to believe in conspiracy theories. But is that really true?

We are joined by Dr M R. X. Dentith—Associate Professor in the International Center for Philosophy at Beijing Normal University—for the first instalment of a two-part interview on the subject of Conspiracy Theory Theory. Focusing upon the essential (and approachable) book edited by Dr Dentith entitled "Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously" (Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), in this first instalment we lay the groundwork for the conversation and then go on to discuss the first section of the volume entitled, "The Particularist Turn in the Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories".

M R. X. Dentith, PhD (Auckland), is the author of The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories (Palgrave, 2014), the first single-author book-length treatment of the philosophical issues surrounding conspiracy theory, and editor of Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously (Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), an edited collection of the most recent work on conspiracy theory theory. They have been a Fellow in the Institute for Research in the Humanities (ICUB) at the University of Bucharest and the New Europe College in Bucharest, and they are currently Associate Professor in the International Center for Philosophy at Beijing Normal University. Their current research project focuses on conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory theory, and secrecy.

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TMR 259 : Dr Malcalm B Splead : The Snowosphere


For this exclusive interview with TMR, we are joined by Dr Malcam B Splead—Head of Snow Studies in the University of Devizes, UK, for an in-depth conversation on the intriguing subject of The Snowosphere, a hitherto much neglected topic in the field of Snow Studies, but one that is quietly gaining attention in the halls of scientific academia.

Under the right conditions, snow simply "falls" to the ground. Or does it? What if this so-called "falling" should turn out to be merely a feature of human perception? What if, contrary to all expectations, this oh-so-familiar phenomenon should best be explained by counterintuitive interactions between the Earth itself and this strange, neglected entity - The Snowosphere?

As Dr Iain Livermore explains:

"Should a scientific consensus on the matter be finally reached, Snowosphere Theory not only promises to revolutionise the discipline of snowology, it may even come to challenge our ideas about gravity, mass and the role of mathematics in the description of empirical observations." (Iain Livermore, ed., "An Introduction to Snow Studies", OUP (2009))

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TMR 257 : Dr. Mobeen Syed (& Loofy) : Ivermectin Mechanisms of Action


We welcome back to the programme Dr. Mobeen Syed, MD, MS—(and his famous cat, Loofy!)—for an interview on "Ivermectin Mechanisms of Action with Respect to COVID-19". More widely known as "Dr Been", Dr. Syed is CEO and founder of Drbeen : Personalized Medical Education and host of the excellent Drbeen Medical Lectures YouTube channel.

Back in December, we were joined by Professor Paul Marik, M.D., who introduced us to the "I-MASK+ Protocol" for COVID-19, central to which is the cheap, plentiful and well-tolerated drug ivermectin—a substance which, in Dr. Marik's opinion, has the potential (when correctly administered by medical doctors) to save countless lives.

But how, in this context, is ivermectin understood to work?

Drawing upon his knowledge and skill as a practising doctor and teacher of medical concepts, Dr. Syed gently leads us through the complex biochemistry—with helpful illustrations—and provides us some insights into the ways by which ivermectin might work in the fight against COVID-19.

[Dr. Syed joined us back in the summer to talk about food supplements and COVID-19.]

(NB: Nothing said in this podcast should be understood as medical advice. Please consult your doctor before taking any medications or making any changes to your diet by way of food supplements.)

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