Dr. John H. Walton
John H. Walton (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School, Illinois. His primary interest is in comparisons between the Old Testament and other Ancient Near East literature. Previously, he was professor of Old Testament at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for twenty years.
Walton's career has been characterised by a passion to show students and readers the importance of learning the Bible: "I am saddened by how little exposure to, and understanding of, the Old Testament many Christians have, but I am passionate in doing whatever I can do to remedy this spiritual and theological loss."
Walton has published extensively, and some of his books include: The Lost World of Scripture (co-authored with D. Brent Sandy), The Lost World of Genesis One, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament, The Essential Bible Companion, Genesis (NIV Application Commentary) and The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (with Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas).
Walton's ministry also extends to church classes for all-age groups, high school Bible studies and adult Sunday school classes. John and his wife, Kim, live in Wheaton, Illinois, and have three adult children.
John Walton's faculty profile at Wheaton College (https://www.wheaton.edu/academics/faculty/john-walton/)
John Walton's author page at InterVarsity Press (https://www.ivpress.com/john-h-walton)
Dr. Tremper Longman III
Tremper Longman III (PhD, Yale University) is Distinguished Scholar of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is also visiting professor of Old Testament at Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and adjunct of Old Testament at Fuller TheologicalSeminary. He lectures regularly at Regent College in Vancouver and the Canadian Theological Seminary in Calgary.
Longman is the author or co-author of over twenty books, including How to Read Genesis, How to Read the Psalms, How to Read Proverbs, Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Essentials,and co-editor of A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible. He and Dan Allender have co-authored Bold Love, Cry of the Soul, Intimate Allies, The Intimate Mystery, and the Intimate Marriage Bible studies.
- Tremper Longman III's faulty page at Westmont College (https://www.westmont.edu/people/tremper-longman-iii-phd)
Tremper Longman III & John H. Walton, The Lost World of the Flood : Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, InterVarsity Press (2018)
Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation
Sumerian creation myth (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumerian_creation_myth)
Epic of Gilgamesh (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_Gilgamesh)
Utnapishtim (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utnapishtim)
Atra-Hasis (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atra-Hasis)
The Chicago Statemement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978) [External PDF accessible via this page: https://library.dts.edu/Pages/TL/Special/ICBI.shtml]
See Article XIII: "We affirm the propriety of using inerrancy as a theological term with reference to the complete truthfulness of Scripture. We deny that it is proper to evaluate Scripture according to standards of truth and error that are alien to its usage or purpose. We further deny that inerrancy is negated by Biblical phenomena such as a lack of modern technical precision, irregularities of grammar or spelling, observational descriptions of nature, the reporting of falsehoods, the use of hyperbole and round numbers, the topical arrangement of material, variant selections of material in parallel accounts, or the use of free citations." (Emphases added)
William Ryan & Walter Pitman, Noah's Flood : The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event That Changed History, Simon & Schuster (1st edn., 1998)
John C. Whitcomb, Jr. & Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Flood : The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications, (1961)
Leonard Woolley (Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Woolley)
Werner Keller, The Bible as History, (1956)
Thomas Purifoy, Jr., "The Gnostic World of John Walton", IsGenesisHistory.com
Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
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