MartinErdmann1"American Civil Religion is the most effective rival religion to true Christianity in the US"—Martin Erdmann

This week we welcome back theologian and lecturer Dr. Martin Erdmann, Director of the Verax Institute in Greenville, South Carolina, for a challenging yet enlightening discussion on the important subject of American Civil Religion and its unhappy relationship to true Christianity.

As a fish is unaware of the water in which it swims, so the majority of Americans do not perceive that there exists in the US today a state religion, incompatible with true Christianity, yet not openly opposed to it. Feeding on the many symbols, events, ideals and heroes of America's history and public life, and borrowing from the language and metaphors of Christianity, this state religion vies for the allegiance of every citizen.

Arguing that every state cultivates its own particular brand of civil religion, Dr. Erdmann encourages us to stand firm when our allegiance to Christ is challenged by the state, and advises us to remain vigilant as we approach the days of a global civil religion.

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[civil religion, dominionism, Technocracy, Mohamed Morsi, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Israel, Judah, Isaiah, Elijah, Jesus, Judaism, Christianity, Founding Fathers, Declaration of Independence, American Revolution, American Civil War, deism, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, John F Kennedy, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, GW Bush, Obama, Albert Beveridge, Robert Neally Bellah, Claes G. Ryn, neoconservative, Jacobin, French Revolution, Trotskyism, Hegel, George Herron, Samuel Zane Batten]



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