TMR 093 : Pete Griffiths : Fall of the House of Xenu

PeteGriffithsWe welcome again Pete Griffiths of Ex-Scientologists Ireland who joins us for an informative, entertaining and surprisingly musical update on the current state of the so-called Church of Scientology.

Covering everything from Lord Xenu and his frozen alcohol and glycol, through Arpen Polo's first song 3 million years ago, to an improbable music album featuring John Travolta and L. Ron Hubbard, Pete Griffiths guides us through the bewildering world of Scientology and its founder, and shares with us from his experience as an activist working to alert people to the dangers of this fast-declining organisation.

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TMR 092 : Tony Szamboti : On NIST's 9/11 Sins of Omission

TonySzambotiFor this important interview we welcome Tony Szamboti, mechanical engineer and 9/11 researcher, who joins us for a detailed discussion on crucial evidence that, in the words of his research group, "clearly demonstrate(s) that the reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) were unscientific and fraudulent."

With the group's recently-published white paper as our focus, "Areas of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports" which lists 25 Points seriously challenging NIST's work in this area, we discuss striking new evidence demonstrating that NIST intentionally omitted significant structural components from its analysis of Building 7, and explore the almost inescapable conclusion that this was done in order to avoid the explanation of controlled demolition. We also discuss the potential these findings might have for legal action.

(Tony Szamboti is a U.S. Navy Veteran, he holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University, and has worked predominantly in the Aerospace industry for the last 28 years.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 092 : Tony Szamboti : On NIST's 9/11 Sins of Omission

TMR 090 : K Gordon Neufeld : A Writer's Creative Journey Through an Extreme Religion

KGordonNeufeldOur guest this week is once again the author K. Gordon Neufeld, one-time member of the so-called Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon, who joined us earlier this year to speak about the history, beliefs and practices of the Moonies, and to share with us from his experiences of joining, serving and eventually leaving that organisation.

This time he joins us for a frank and deeply personal discussion of the more psychological aspects of his experience, with reference to his creative writing over the years, as contained in his new book, Cult Fiction : One Writer's Creative Journey Through an Extreme Religion.


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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 090 : K Gordon Neufeld : A Writer's Creative Journey Through an Extreme Religion

TMR 089 : Vince McCann : Ouija - Spiritual Russian Roulette

VinceMcCann"Just a bit fun!", as the phrase goes, what could possibly be harmful about playing with a painted board and a wooden "planchette"? Friends, spooky laughs, bottle of wine - a good time to be had by all!

In the run-up to Halloween we are joined once again by Vince McCann, Director of Spotlight Ministries here in the UK, for an intriguing, challenging and entertaining conversation on the subject of the Ouija Board. Speaking from his experience of having once been involved in the Occult, Vince explains why the Ouija Board is far from "just a bit of fun". Characterising it, rather, as "spiritual Russian roulette", Vince warns that its use has frequently been associated with mental illness and spiritual oppression.

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TMR 088 : James Corbett : ISIS and The Strategy of Tension

JamesCorbettJames Corbett, investigative journalist and host of The Corbett Report, joins us once again, this time for a detailed interview on the subject of ISIS.

How are we to understand ISIS? (IS? ISIL? AQI? JTJ? ...?) Is it, as often presented, essentially a spontaneous grouping of violent jihadists with aspirations for a global caliphate? Or is it, in reality, a multi-faceted phenomenon, arising out of - and manipulated by - various religious, geopolitical and corporate interests, each with its own vested interests in promoting ongoing destabilisation of the Middle East?

Drawing upon his years of research into geopolitics, and sharing with us from an open-source investigation into ISIS at The Corbett Report, James analyses this bewildering corner of the Grand Chess Board and identifies likely Players to help us interpret the Moves as the deadly Game continues.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 088 : James Corbett : ISIS and The Strategy of Tension

TMR 087 : Dr. Angus Menuge : On Libertarian Free Will

AngusMenugeDo we have free will? Or is it just an illusion? Do we have souls? Or are we entirely material beings? And what does it matter anyway? To discuss these questions we are joined by Dr. Angus Menuge, Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Concordia University Wisconsin and current President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society.

Dr. Menuge studied at the University of Warwick (BA) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (MA, PhD), and joined Concordia University in 1991. His research interests include philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, Christian apologetics and the work of C. S. Lewis. His academic book Agents Under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004), which defends the concepts of agency and intentionality against naturalistic alternatives, was the first book-length study to relate Intelligent Design to contemporary issues in the philosophy of mind.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 087 : Dr. Angus Menuge : On Libertarian Free Will

TMR 086 : Dr. Graeme MacQueen : The 2001 Anthrax Deception

GraemeMacQueenThis week we are joined by Dr. Graeme MacQueen, co-editor of The Journal of 9/11 Studies, for an in-depth discussion on his important new book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception : The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy.

Shortly after 9/11, the US was once again gripped by fear as letters containing anthrax were sent through the post to news media offices and two US Senators, killing five and infecting perhaps dozens of others. Initially widely-blamed on Al Qaeda and Iraq, the attacks were used to jusify and accelerate the USA PATRIOT Act. But as evidence grew that the anthrax spores had originated in laboratories embedded in the US military-industrial complex, attention was diverted to looking for the "lone nut"; a quest that ended with a convenient suicide.

But what, asks Dr. MacQueen, should we conclude from all the "intelligence" that supposedly pointed towards Al Qaeda and Iraq in the first place? Was it all error? Or was it, as he persuasively argues, a nexus of "faulty" intelligence, "prescient" media reports, "tips", and astonishing "coincidences" that inescapably points towards a group of insiders within the US state apparatus itself? And if so, argues Dr. MacQueen, the evidence heavily suggests that this group was also responsible for planning the 9/11 attacks.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 086 : Dr. Graeme MacQueen : The 2001 Anthrax Deception

TMR 085 : Carl Teichrib : Transformational Festivals and the Myths of Oneness

CarlTeichribCarl Teichrib, Chief Editor of Forcing Change, joins us for an in-depth discussion on the burgeoning phenomenon of Transformational Festivals.

Each year many hundreds of thousands of people travel from all over the world to participate in these mind-altering events, temporarily immersing themselves in hypnotic, alternative 'realities'. Stunning locations, dramatic staging, electronic dance music, flamboyant clothing (or none), surrealist art, reimagined pagan myths, co-created rituals, communal living, and much more besides, variously combine to create participatory spaces in which people aim to experience 'new realities', thereby hoping to bring about personal and, ultimately, global transformation.

But, as Carl Teichrib explains, at the core of these experiences lies the age-old deception of Oneness, that worldview in which all distinctions are subsumed, and all truth relativised, in the ineffable One; a collectivist and falsely 'tolerant' worldview in which the message of Jesus can never be tolerated.

Reminding Christians of the mistakes of the past (in which countercultural movements tended to be either ignored or assimilated), Carl urges us now to engage as salt and light, with love and truth, so that the Gospel of Christ can be heard, and the cultural drift towards a One-World System be exposed.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 085 : Carl Teichrib : Transformational Festivals and the Myths of Oneness

TMR 080 : Dr. Stanley Monteith : A Life Researching Behind the Curtain

Dr. Stanley MonteithFor decades, he has been bringing us the "Story behind the Story, the News behind the News" and hoping to convince us that "reality is usually scoffed at and illusion is usually king."

This week we once again welcome to the programme Dr. Stanley Monteith, retired orthopaedic surgeon, veteran Christian researcher and radio host, who joins us to share his life story and the way in which key events in his experience helped to shape his distinctive way of looking at the world. Born in 1929, gifted, and raised in a supportive family, the path of Dr. Stan's life seemed to stretch out before him: marriage, children and a satisfying career in orthopaedics. But then two things happened to change his view of the world forever: faith in Jesus Christ, and a casual glance at a TV broadcast in the early 1960s. And the rest, as they say, is history...

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 080 : Dr. Stanley Monteith : A Life Researching Behind the Curtain

TMR 079 : Kevin Ryan : On Why NIST's 9/11 WTC Reports are False and Unscientific

KevinRyanIn 2002, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was tasked by the US Government with "determin[ing] why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed following the initial impacts of the aircraft and why and how WTC 7 collapsed." After years of work, the final reports were released (in 2005 and 2008 respectively) with the conclusion that all three had collapsed primarily due to fire. But just how "meticulous, exhaustive, and very realistic" was this research? Had it really answered all the questions and provided a trustworthy explanation that supported the official narrative of 9/11?

This week we welcome to the programme once again Kevin Ryan, co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies and author of the book Another Nineteen, who joins us to share with us his assessment of the NIST reports, and why he believes them to be "false and unscientific."

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 079 : Kevin Ryan : On Why NIST's 9/11 WTC Reports are False and Unscientific

TMR 078 : J. P. Holding : Hitler's "Christianity"


Was Hitler an atheist? Was he an occultist? Was he a Christian, as some allege today? ("This murderous, genocidal psychopath, one of the most evil men in history, was a devout Christian. Deal with it!") Or was he, perhaps, something else altogether?

Joining us this week is J. P. Holding, President of Tekton Apologetics Ministries and author of the book Hitler's Christianity, who maintains that Hitler was indeed something else altogether: an adherent of so-called "Positive Christianity." Rejecting large portions of the Bible as too Jewish, despising biblical teaching, and even claiming that Jesus was really a blue-eyed and blonde-haired Aryan, Postive Christianity was an influential New Religious Movement in Germany during the first half of the Twentieth Century that distorted Christianity by combining it with ideas of racial purity and Nazi ideology. It is here, argues J. P. Holding, that we get the closest glimpse of Hitler's religious views.

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TMR 077 : David Malone : Trade Deals and the Death of Democracy

DavidMaloneTPP, TTIP, TAFTA, TISA, ISDS? What does all this acronym soup of so-called "international trade agreements" mean for you and me? Nothing less, maintains our guest David Malone, than the Death of Democracy.

Warning us that these prosaically named and apparently benign "agreements" presage the effective takeover of nation states by global corporations, David Malone explains why he nevertheless believes there is still hope: if only we will leave behind the solutions of the past, and "fight the peace" together.

In a career spanning nearly twenty years, independent film-maker and author David Malone has produced and directed documentaries for both the BBC and Channel 4. His series Testing God was short-listed for the Royal Television Society best documentary series. In 2008, his production for the BBC, High Anxieties - The Mathematics of Chaos, was among the first documentaries to be made about the current financial crisis. He is is also author of the highly-regarded book The Debt Generation published in 2010, which critiqued the scandalous bailing out of the banks and the effete political system that allowed that to happen.

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TMR 076 : Max Andrews : Molinism - A Glimpse into the Mind of God?

MaxAndrewsIf God knows the future, how can I be free? If there's human evil in the world, how can God be good? If people live beyond the reach of the Gospel, how can God be all-loving?

This week we are joined by the philosopher Max Andrews for a fascinating look at the mind-bending and strange (yet potentially illuminating) world of Molinism, a philosophical position on God's omniscience and providence that offers potential solutions to a whole host of theological conundrums.

Max Andrews is a Philosophy PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, whose research centres in the ontology of the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics and in the problems associated with cosmological fine-tuning. Already published in several journals, Max Andrews has presented at conferences of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and Tyndale House in Cambridge (UK), lectured at Liberty University (US) on a wide range of philosophical and analytical-theological subjects, and published two ebooks, The Problem of Existence: Existential Reflections on Pain and Suffering and An Introduction to Molinism: Scripture, Reason, and All that God has Ordered.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 076 : Max Andrews : Molinism - A Glimpse into the Mind of God?

TMR 075 : Dr. Duke Pesta : Common Core - Manufacturing Compliant Drones

DukePestaEveryone believes in "standards" don't they? So what could possibly be wrong with "Common Core" (the US education system's "Common Core State Standards Initiative")? After all, is it not "a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English... created to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of where they live"? *

Not according to Dr. Duke Pesta, professor of English at The University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, who joins us for an extended and detailed interview on the genesis, content and ideology of Common Core - a scheme, he argues, designed to inhibit critical thinking and produce a world of compliant drones for the corporate-fascist State.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 075 : Dr. Duke Pesta : Common Core - Manufacturing Compliant Drones

TMR 074 : Dr. Tim Ball : Peer Review - Quality Control or Gatekeeping?

DrTimBallConfused? Not sure what to believe about science, history, philosophy and everything else? Worry no more! Academia has a system called Peer Review in which experts check new research for "validity, significance and originality" before it appears in respectable journals, so you and I can rest assured that only the very best gets published. But is Peer Review really all it's cracked up to be?

Joining us once again is Dr. Tim Ball, retired climatologist from the University of Winnipeg, who explains the many reasons why he believes Peer Review has become at best a useless - and at worst a treacherous - system in which bias, error, dogmatism and cronyism frequently prevent the most important and challenging ideas from seeing the light of day. Whether one agrees, or disagrees, it's difficult not to sympathise with Dr. Ball's conclusion: Peer Review looks like something we could well do without.

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 074 : Dr. Tim Ball : Peer Review - Quality Control or Gatekeeping?

TMR 073 : Pastor Dean Good : Mystical Unity or the Cross?

DeanGoodThis week, our guest is Pastor Dean Good of Grace Church, North Olmsted, Ohio, who joins us to discuss the mission and spirituality of the Church, and the ways in which many in the churches (including evangelicals) are being subtly misled to embrace unbiblical forms of mission and spirituality.

To what is the Church called in this present Age? Is it primarily to labour for world peace and justice in the attempt to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth? Is it primarily to experience God in quasi-mystical ways, unchecked by biblical teaching? Arguing that the Church's call is rather to focus on the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in order to "make disciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19) and in order "that the body of Christ be built up" (Eph. 4:12), Pastor Good warns that failing to follow the biblical path will lead to disaster.

Reminding us that the so-called 'god of this world' (2 Cor. 4:4) also has plans for a "kingdom" on Earth (Rev. 13), and observing how mysticism perfectly complements utopian visions for a One-World Order of "unity, peace and harmony", Pastor Good urges us all to conform our concepts of mission and spirituality to the Word of God, lest we unwittingly co-operate with the one who "poses as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14).

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 073 : Pastor Dean Good : Mystical Unity or the Cross?

TMR 072 : Eric Stacey : Unthinkable - An Airline Captain's Story

EricStaceyLong-established film-maker Eric Stacey joins us to talk about his latest movie, Unthinkable : An Airline Captain's Story, and to discuss the tragic and controversial events that inspired its creation.

On February 2nd, 2013, retired airline captain and 9/11 researcher Philip Marshall, his two teenage children and their family dog were all found dead, each with a bullet wound to the head, in their home in Murphys California. Although the Calaveras County Sheriff concluded that Marshall had shot the children, the dog and finally himself in a tragic "murder-suicide", the reporter Wayne Madsen, who conducted a week-long investigation shortly after the event, found reason to doubt this conclusion, suspecting rather that they had been the victims of professional killers.

In the movie - a creative dramatisation based largely on Madsen's research - investigative journalist Madison Freeman explores and challenges the conclusion of local Sheriff Sgt. deWitt, suspecting that the real reason for the tragic deaths was the imminent publication of Marshall Philips' new book which was to contain damning evidence against the perpetrators of the 9/11 crime.

In the words of Eric Stacey: "We have done our best to remain faithful to what is known from both sides and have left the story open-ended in hopes that audiences will draw their own conclusions as to who pulled the trigger and what the Marshall 'murder-suicide' represents in our post-9/11 world."

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 072 : Eric Stacey : Unthinkable - An Airline Captain's Story

TMR 071 : Patrick Wood : The Trilateral Commission and its New Technetronic World Order

PatrickWoodOur guest this week is Patrick M. Wood, editor of The August Forecast and The August Review, who joins us to discuss the foundation, ideology and ongoing power and influence of the globalist organisation The Trilateral Commission.

Co-author, with professor Antony Sutton, of the famous two-volume book "Trilaterals Over Washington", Patrick Wood explains how the Commission - an entirely private organisation founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973, and comprised of specially-invited elitist individuals - effectively hijacked the executive branch of the US government in order to steer US policy, and ultimately the world, towards a "New International Economic Order".

Borrowing heavily from the utopian Technocracy movement of the 1930s, that vision for World Order, he explains, is now being implemented at astonishing speed through the subversion of national sovereignty and the construction of a global infrastructure of control, seen most clearly in Agenda 21, the Smart Grid and the surveillance state.

Patrick Wood also shares with us how, through relating these distrubing developments to biblical prophecy, we can nevertheless live with hope and confidence in God, who is sovereign over all.

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TMR 070 : Russ Wise : A Course In Miracles - A Christian Worldview Evaluation

RussWise"Christ waits for your acceptance of Him as YOURSELF, and His Wholeness as YOURS" (A.C.I.M.)

This week our guest is Russ Wise, vice president of Christian Information Ministries and long-time researcher into New Religious Movements, who joins us to discuss the highly-influential "A Course in Miracles". Beginning (humanly-speaking) with Helen Schucman in the mid-1960s who claimed that the Course was dictated to her by the "voice" of Jesus, and popularised in more recent times by Oprah Winfrey and Marianne Williamson, the Course claims to offer the key to understanding reality that brings spiritual freedom and joy. But is it true?

Measuring its claims against the most reliable source of information we have about Jesus (the New Testament), Russ Wise shows why A.C.I.M. cannot have originated with the real Jesus of Nazareth, and why it is both false and spiritually damaging. Russ also shares with us how best to engage with people who are persuaded by its teachings.

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TMR 069 : Dr. Frank Legge : What Really Hit the Pentagon on 9/11?

DrFrankLeggeWhat was it that blew a hole in the Pentagon on 9/11? Was it really American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757? Or was it a much smaller aircraft? A missile, perhaps? Or just pre-planted explosives?

Joining us to discuss these questions is Dr. Frank Legge, PhD chemist and long-standing researcher into 9/11, who shares with us from his research the many reasons why he believes it is now established beyond reasonable doubt that AA Flight 77 did in fact hit the Pentagon that day.

Insisting nevertheless that the overall evidence of 9/11 unambiguously speaks of an "inside job", Dr. Legge warns of the dangers of dogmatism within the 9/11 Truth Movement, and explains why he sees 9/11 as a transnational elitist crime aimed ultimately at authoritarian One-World Government.

Dr. Legge states: "Those who wish to promote the truth about 9/11 are urged to focus on the controlled demolition of the three skyscrapers at the World Trade Centre, and to avoid discussing the Pentagon, if possible. It is easy to show that these skyscrapers were felled by controlled demolition. Activists should, however, prepare themselves to discuss the Pentagon, as they will be pressed by members of the public to do so. The best preparation is to study carefully the scientific analysis of the evidence, as in the referenced papers."

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 069 : Dr. Frank Legge : What Really Hit the Pentagon on 9/11?

TMR 067 : Andy Jennings : Dissident Prophet - Music for Those with Ears to Hear

AndyJenningsIn an extended musical interview, Andy Jennings, lead singer and lyricist of the amazing indie rock band Dissident Prophet, joins us for an exploration of the band's music, lyrics and vision, and to share with us his how his search for truth led him to the greatest Truth of all - Jesus Christ.

"Pay no attention to all the connections. Don't join all the dots... too many to mention. Don't follow the money. Eat what you're fed. Keep skipping along while you're singing the song, coz the wicked witch is dead. Don't look - don't look. Don't you know that it's rude to stare? Don't look - don't look. Keep your eyes glued over there now. Get into line and sing it. Get into line and sing along. Pay no attention to all the commotion. Don't look at the man messing with the buttons behind the curtain. Don't ask no questions if you value your soul. Keeping skipping along while you're holding hands on the yellow brick road. Join the revolution against the puppet regime. Join the mass delusion that you're fighting for freedom, when freedom ani't free. Imagine there's no heaven - it's easy if you try. Sing along with John - no hell below, and above us is only sky. Tick all the relevant boxes in all the relevant places. If you're gonna read the Bible, rip out the relevant pages. Don't pull back the curtain - won't like what you find - coz the truth is stranger than fiction. You're better off blind."

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 067 : Andy Jennings : Dissident Prophet - Music for Those with Ears to Hear

TMR 066 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Ukraine, Neocons and Armageddon

PaulCraigRobertsDr. Paul Craig Roberts (former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy) returns to the programme for a detailed analysis of the crisis in Ukraine, and an assessment of the Western propaganda war being waged against Russia.

Setting the discussion in the context of decades of US imperialism, and identifying the current crisis as largely agitated by Washington through its NGOs, Dr. Roberts reveals how Ukraine fits into the neocon game plan for world hegemony. But, as he explains, this insane goal for a nuclear "checkmate" by Washington against its geopolitical opponents on The Grand Chess Board is reckless in the extreme; for just like WWI, it could spiral out of control, but unlike WWI, it could lead to Armageddon.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 066 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Ukraine, Neocons and Armageddon

TMR 065 : Dr. Gary Habermas : The Minimal Facts Approach to Jesus' Resurrection

GaryHabermasWe are joined by one of the world's leading experts in Resurrection Studies, Dr. Gary Habermas, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University, for an in-depth discussion on the historical case for the Resurrection of Jesus from the Dead.

How might we persuade people of the truth of Jesus' Resurrection? Must we appeal only to the divine authority of Scripture and hope that people will agree? Not according to Dr. Habermas, who explains how his "minimal facts approach" (which relies only on historical data agreed by the vast majority of professional scholars in the field) bypasses such appeals to authority, and has the power to persuade - through logic and historical reasoning alone - that Jesus did in fact rise from the Dead.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 065 : Dr. Gary Habermas : The Minimal Facts Approach to Jesus' Resurrection

TMR 064 : Beverly Eakman : Educating for a New World Order ...and how to PUSH BACK!

BeverlyEakmanThis week we welcome "education's whistle-blower" Beverly Eakman, veteran educator, International Human Rights award winner, and author of books such as Cloning of the American Mind and Walking Targets, who joins us to discuss the ideological manipulation of the US education system by collectivists and globalists. After describing how students are regularly subject to profiling through "assessments" and coerced into changing their worldviews through subversive, dialectical classroom techniques based on peer pressure, Beverly Eakman shares with us how we can all PUSH BACK! through logic, awareness and strength of character to resist the seemingly-inexorable slide towards a New World Order.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 064 : Beverly Eakman : Educating for a New World Order...and how to PUSH BACK!

TMR 063 : Dr. Paul Cullen : The Anti-Human Agenda and the Abuse of Science

PaulCullenOur guest this week is Dr. Paul Cullen, professor of medicine and head of Doctors for Life in Germany, who joins us to discuss the anti-human agenda in the corridors of power and the abuse of science for political and commercial reasons. Be it the elitist Council of Europe or the bureaucratic U.N., Dr. Cullen explains how undemocratic think-tanks cook up authoritarian and morally-dubious policies that silently slide towards implementation with virtually no attention from the mainstream media, and how the appropriation (and frequent distortion) of science by governments, corporations and political movements can sometimes lead to its misuse as a tool of manipulation.

"The physician should, and may do nothing else but, preserve life. Whether it is valuable or not, that is none of his business. If he once permits such considerations to influence his actions, the doctor will become the most dangerous man in the state."

(Christof Wilhelm Hufeland, 1806)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 063 : Dr. Paul Cullen : The Anti-Human Agenda and the Abuse of Science

TMR 062 : F. William Engdahl : Seeds of Destruction - The GMO Hidden Agenda

FWilliamEngdahl"If you control oil, you control nations. If you control food, you control people." (Henry Kissinger)*

Author, professor and geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl joins us to discuss his important book Seeds of Destruction : The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation. Delving into the history of globalist agribusiness, with its astonishing connections to US imperialism and even eugenics, William Engdahl delivers an almost prophetic warning. Not only do we have grounds to fear that powerful elites may be manipulating GM science and industry in order to gain control over the world's food supply, it may also be that they are motivated by a hidden ideology: human population reduction.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 062 : F. William Engdahl : Seeds of Destruction - The GMO Hidden Agenda

TMR 061 : Interview : Kevin Ryan : Another 19 - Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects

KevinRyanWho was responsible for the crimes of 9/11? Osama bin Laden and nineteen, young Islamic terrorists? Or is there evidence pointing towards other suspects who should be investigated? To discuss this question, we are joined by Kevin Ryan, author of the book Another Nineteen : Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects, and co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies.

Drawing upon a decade of investigation, Kevin Ryan traces an intricate web of interconnections between key individuals, institutions and businesses, and reveals an alternative set of 9/11 suspects, each with the "means, motive and opportunity" possibly to have played their part in the crimes of 9/11.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 061 : Interview : Kevin Ryan : Another 19 - Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects

TMR 060 : Dr. Tim Ball : From CO2 to H2O - Peak Water as the Next UN Eco-Scare

DrTimBallFor a third time we're joined by Dr. Tim Ball, retired professor of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg. As public scepticism towards the theory of human-produced climate change continues to rise, the UN is gradually shifting its focus to a different target for global environmental alarmism: Peak Water.

Inspired by Peak Oil theory, and heavily reliant on philosophical assumptions, is Peak Water set to become the new global eco-scare, designed in accordance with the aims of Agenda 21 to persuade the world to embrace a New World Order?

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 060 : Dr. Tim Ball : From CO2 to H2O - Peak Water as the Next UN Eco-Scare

TMR 059 : Interview : Dr. Paul L. Maier : Jesus Never Existed? ... Give Me a Break!

PaulMaierWe are joined by Dr. Paul L. Maier, Russell H. Seibert Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, for a wide-ranging, informative and entertaining interview on the evidence for Jesus' existence outside the Bible, and on the historical reliability of the New Testament. In characteristically ebullient and academically-combative style, Dr. Maier dismisses popular claims that "Jesus never existed" and that "Jesus is a myth", and demonstrates that the New Testament evidence for Jesus is corroborated by secular writings from antiquity.

Dr. Maier also addresses the so-called gnostic gospels, New Testament apocryphal writings, Joseph Atwill's hypothesis that Jesus was a Roman invention, Bart Ehrman's misrepresentation of textual criticism, the Birth Narratives, and answers questions commonly asked about the reliability of the New Testament.

(We apologise for the sound quality of this recording, which, at times, was plagued by technical difficulties.)

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 059 : Interview : Dr. Paul L. Maier : Jesus Never Existed?... Give Me a Break!

TMR 058 : Interview : K. Gordon Neufeld : On the Moonies and their True Parents

KGordonNeufeldThis week our guest is K. Gordon Neufeld, author of Heartbreak and Rage : Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon, who joins us to discuss the so-called Unification Church.

Speaking from his ten-year involvement with the Moonies, Gordon gives us a fascinating overview of that organisation's history, beliefs and founder Sun Myung Moon, and shares with us his own experiences of joining, serving and eventually leaving the Moonies.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 058 : Interview : K. Gordon Neufeld : On the Moonies and their True Parents



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