TMR 093 : Pete Griffiths : Fall of the House of Xenu
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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 093 : Pete Griffiths : Fall of the House of Xenu
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 093 : Pete Griffiths : Fall of the House of Xenu
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 092 : Tony Szamboti : On NIST's 9/11 Sins of Omission
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 089 : Vince McCann : Ouija - Spiritual Russian Roulette
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 088 : James Corbett : ISIS and The Strategy of Tension
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 087 : Dr. Angus Menuge : On Libertarian Free Will
Shortly after 9/11, the US was once again gripped by fear as letters containing anthrax were sent through the post to news media offices and two US Senators, killing five and infecting perhaps dozens of others. Initially widely-blamed on Al Qaeda and Iraq, the attacks were used to jusify and accelerate the USA PATRIOT Act. But as evidence grew that the anthrax spores had originated in laboratories embedded in the US military-industrial complex, attention was diverted to looking for the "lone nut"; a quest that ended with a convenient suicide. But what, asks Dr. MacQueen, should we conclude from all the "intelligence" that supposedly pointed towards Al Qaeda and Iraq in the first place? Was it all error? Or was it, as he persuasively argues, a nexus of "faulty" intelligence, "prescient" media reports, "tips", and astonishing "coincidences" that inescapably points towards a group of insiders within the US state apparatus itself? And if so, argues Dr. MacQueen, the evidence heavily suggests that this group was also responsible for planning the 9/11 attacks. |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 086 : Dr. Graeme MacQueen : The 2001 Anthrax Deception
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 085 : Carl Teichrib : Transformational Festivals and the Myths of Oneness
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 080 : Dr. Stanley Monteith : A Life Researching Behind the Curtain
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 079 : Kevin Ryan : On Why NIST's 9/11 WTC Reports are False and Unscientific
Was Hitler an atheist? Was he an occultist? Was he a Christian, as some allege today? ("This murderous, genocidal psychopath, one of the most evil men in history, was a devout Christian. Deal with it!") Or was he, perhaps, something else altogether? Joining us this week is J. P. Holding, President of Tekton Apologetics Ministries and author of the book Hitler's Christianity, who maintains that Hitler was indeed something else altogether: an adherent of so-called "Positive Christianity." Rejecting large portions of the Bible as too Jewish, despising biblical teaching, and even claiming that Jesus was really a blue-eyed and blonde-haired Aryan, Postive Christianity was an influential New Religious Movement in Germany during the first half of the Twentieth Century that distorted Christianity by combining it with ideas of racial purity and Nazi ideology. It is here, argues J. P. Holding, that we get the closest glimpse of Hitler's religious views. |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 078 : J. P. Holding : Hitler's "Christianity"
Warning us that these prosaically named and apparently benign "agreements" presage the effective takeover of nation states by global corporations, David Malone explains why he nevertheless believes there is still hope: if only we will leave behind the solutions of the past, and "fight the peace" together. In a career spanning nearly twenty years, independent film-maker and author David Malone has produced and directed documentaries for both the BBC and Channel 4. His series Testing God was short-listed for the Royal Television Society best documentary series. In 2008, his production for the BBC, High Anxieties - The Mathematics of Chaos, was among the first documentaries to be made about the current financial crisis. He is is also author of the highly-regarded book The Debt Generation published in 2010, which critiqued the scandalous bailing out of the banks and the effete political system that allowed that to happen. |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 077 : David Malone : Trade Deals and the Death of Democracy
This week we are joined by the philosopher Max Andrews for a fascinating look at the mind-bending and strange (yet potentially illuminating) world of Molinism, a philosophical position on God's omniscience and providence that offers potential solutions to a whole host of theological conundrums. Max Andrews is a Philosophy PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, whose research centres in the ontology of the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics and in the problems associated with cosmological fine-tuning. Already published in several journals, Max Andrews has presented at conferences of the Evangelical Philosophical Society and Tyndale House in Cambridge (UK), lectured at Liberty University (US) on a wide range of philosophical and analytical-theological subjects, and published two ebooks, The Problem of Existence: Existential Reflections on Pain and Suffering and An Introduction to Molinism: Scripture, Reason, and All that God has Ordered. |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 076 : Max Andrews : Molinism - A Glimpse into the Mind of God?
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 075 : Dr. Duke Pesta : Common Core - Manufacturing Compliant Drones
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 074 : Dr. Tim Ball : Peer Review - Quality Control or Gatekeeping?
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 073 : Pastor Dean Good : Mystical Unity or the Cross?
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 072 : Eric Stacey : Unthinkable - An Airline Captain's Story
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 070 : Russ Wise : A Course In Miracles - A Christian Worldview Evaluation
Joining us to discuss these questions is Dr. Frank Legge, PhD chemist and long-standing researcher into 9/11, who shares with us from his research the many reasons why he believes it is now established beyond reasonable doubt that AA Flight 77 did in fact hit the Pentagon that day. Insisting nevertheless that the overall evidence of 9/11 unambiguously speaks of an "inside job", Dr. Legge warns of the dangers of dogmatism within the 9/11 Truth Movement, and explains why he sees 9/11 as a transnational elitist crime aimed ultimately at authoritarian One-World Government. Dr. Legge states: "Those who wish to promote the truth about 9/11 are urged to focus on the controlled demolition of the three skyscrapers at the World Trade Centre, and to avoid discussing the Pentagon, if possible. It is easy to show that these skyscrapers were felled by controlled demolition. Activists should, however, prepare themselves to discuss the Pentagon, as they will be pressed by members of the public to do so. The best preparation is to study carefully the scientific analysis of the evidence, as in the referenced papers." |
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 069 : Dr. Frank Legge : What Really Hit the Pentagon on 9/11?
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 067 : Andy Jennings : Dissident Prophet - Music for Those with Ears to Hear
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 066 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Ukraine, Neocons and Armageddon
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 065 : Dr. Gary Habermas : The Minimal Facts Approach to Jesus' Resurrection
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 063 : Dr. Paul Cullen : The Anti-Human Agenda and the Abuse of Science
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 062 : F. William Engdahl : Seeds of Destruction - The GMO Hidden Agenda
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 060 : Dr. Tim Ball : From CO2 to H2O - Peak Water as the Next UN Eco-Scare
LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 058 : Interview : K. Gordon Neufeld : On the Moonies and their True Parents
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